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For a child, the first five years last forever.

Portrait of father and son hugging in living room

Voters care about child care and early learning

At a time when voters don’t agree on much, it is striking to see consistent bipartisan support for increasing federal funding to expand child care programs. Voters want action from policymakers in Congress and the White House.

young child plays with abacus

State fact sheets

Federal funding provides child care and early learning programs in all 50 states. FFYF’s annual analysis shows the impact on young children, and our economy.

Child holds an adult hand

Contact your lawmakers

Federal programs that provide the foundation for accessible, affordable, and quality child care have broad bipartisan support. Lawmakers need to hear from you to prioritize, protect, and build on these programs for strong families, children, and communities.

The Capital behind a field of tulips

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& Resources


Essential Excerpts: Child Care Quotes From The Hill

July 12, 2024

As we monitored hearings on Capitol Hill this week, it was striking to see how many of them featured the issue of child care. From the House Appropriations Committee to …


Bipartisan Agreement on the Importance of Child Care Access and Affordability in Senate Finance Hearing

July 11, 2024

The Senate Finance Committee held a hearing this week to discuss ways to leverage Congressional investments in early learning and child care to better support working families and child care …


Top Themes from the National Child Care Innovation Summit

July 8, 2024

“I’m here because child care is not only a social issue or a women’s issue. It is also an economic issue. In fact, I’d argue it’s one of the most …

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