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America’s Child Care Crisis Sees Major Uptick in Media Coverage

News August 5, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated financial challenges that child care providers have faced for years, pushing the industry to the brink of collapse. Anxious parents and struggling child care providers looking for solutions amid a tumultuous and unpredictable economic crisis are looking to Congress to provide the financial relief necessary to keep the industry afloat through America’s economic recovery. Across the country, there is a bright spotlight on this mounting child care crisis, with media outlets devoting more coverage to child care.

FFYF has analyzed the data on this heightened press coverage and found that stories covering the child care industry in the U.S. in March through July are up almost 90% over the same time period last year.

Without substantial federal support for the child care industry, the onslaught of questions and uncertainty for parents and providers alike will continue to rise. If Congress fails to stabilize the child care industry—and soon—the nation is expected to lose half of its child care supply.

Sample of News Stories Nationally and in Select States

(Child care, daycare, childcare, preschool):

RegionPercentage Increase
United States89.66%
North Carolina57.77%
Tennessee 14.68%
New York57.33%
Illinois 22.67%

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