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2023 National Fact Sheet References

  1. This figure includes beneficiaries of Head Start, Early Head Start, CCDF, MIECHV, state-funded Pre-K, and IDEA Parts B, Sec. 619 and C. In some cases, children and families are served by more than one program. 
  2. Census 
  3. Census 
  4. Census 
  5. Census
  6. Census 
  7. Council for a Strong America                                                                                                       
  8. Office of Child Care (OCC), “FY2020 CCDF Preliminary Data Tables
  9. Center for American Progress (CAP) – Early Learning in the U.S.: 2019
  10. Office of Head Start Performance Indicator Report (PIR)
  11. PIR and CPS, “Annual Social and Economic (March 2022)”
  12. PIR
  13. PIR and CPS, “Annual Social and Economic (March 2022)”
  14. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), “Home Visiting Program: State Fact Sheets
  15. National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER), “State of Preschool 2022”
  16. NIEER (includes preschool, Head Start, and Special Education)
  17. U.S. Department of Education (ED)
  18. ED
  19. CAP defines “child care desert” as any census tract with more than fifty children under age five that contains either no child care providers OR more than three times as many children as licensed child care slots.
  20. CAP
  21. NIEER
  22. Child Care Aware of America, “2022 Child Care Affordability Analysis
  23. ACF, “ECE State Profiles” Data from 2019
  24. Ibid (average for center-based and home-based care for one infant and one 4-year-old)
  25. CSCCE
  26. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
  27. NIEER
  28. State of Babies Yearbook 2022
  29. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center
  30. OCC, “GY2023 CCDF Allocations” (Based on Appropriations)
  31. HRSA
  32. ED
  33. Ibid
  34. Office of Family Assistance TANF FY2021 Financial Data (includes early care and education and funds transferred to CCDF discretionary)
  35. FFYF
  36. NIEER
  37. OCC 
  38. FFYF
  39. CARES CRSSA, ARPA (CCDF + Stabilization)
  40. ACF, “Child Care Stabilization Funding State Fact Sheets” As of December 31, 2022

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