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How CCDBG Benefits Families in Your State

May 9, 2023

The Child Care & Development Block Grant (CCDBG) is the primary federal grant program that provides child care assistance to low-income working families with children under age 13. The majority …


Child Care Provider Reimbursement Rates Explained

May 8, 2023

Providing quality, affordable, and accessible child care is expensive. Well-qualified early childhood educators are essential to providing high-quality early learning and care opportunities for children from birth through age five. …


House and Senate Introduce Bipartisan Bills to Expand Early Educator Apprenticeships

May 4, 2023

In an effort to address our nation’s workforce challenges, including in early learning and care programs, the bipartisan Early Educators Apprenticeship Act was introduced in the Senate by Senator Todd …


The First Five Things to Know: The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit

April 13, 2023

For millions of working parents with small children, child care is a major expense. It is also a necessary expense, as many parents are unable to work without it. The …


FFYF Statement on Child Care, Early Learning in the President’s Budget

March 9, 2023

WASHINGTON – Today, the White House will release details of President Biden’s FY2024 budget request to Congress, which includes robust discretionary funding for many of the federal early learning programs that support the …


The First Five Things to Know: Impact of the Child Care Crisis on Women & Mothers

March 8, 2023

Over the past several years, the U.S. has altered the landscape of motherhood, piling on even more new pressures and demands. The ongoing child care crisis is keeping women out …


Analysis: Majority of Governors Highlight Child Care As Key to Workforce Growth

February 13, 2023

Analysis of 2023 State of the State addresses given by Governors across the country found one issue in particular cut across state and party lines: the importance of fixing child …


Child Care Crisis Costing U.S. $122 Billion, New Report Finds

February 2, 2023

To support a strong workforce and a robust economy, Congress and President Biden must support child care policy. Ahead of State of the Union, a new report by ReadyNation has found that …


BLS Report Finds Price of Child Care “Untenable for All Families” 

January 25, 2023

WASHINGTON – A new report by the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Women’s Bureau had a striking conclusion: The cost of child care is untenable for families across …


The 118th Congress: Opportunities for Child Care and Early Learning

January 18, 2023

The 118th Congress has the opportunity to invest in America’s children, working families, and the economy through high-quality early childhood education. This resource book is an introduction to the foundational …


FFYF Federal Guide to Early Learning and Care Programs

January 18, 2023

The 118th Congress has the opportunity to invest in America’s children, working families, and the economy through high-quality early childhood education. This resource book is an introduction to the foundational …


Intro to Early Learning and Care in the 118th Congress

January 18, 2023

The inability to find and afford quality child care and early learning options shouldn’t be the reason parents choose not to work. Yet for years, the high cost and the …

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