Amanda Guarino

Administration Forecasts New Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five Funding Opportunities for States
Great news from the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)! On June 24, 2022 ACF released a Funding Forecast for …

Learn About the Positive Impact of MIECHV in Your State
The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program provides federal funds to states, territories, and tribal entities for voluntary, evidence-based home visiting services. This program was reauthorized in …

Appropriations and Budget Reconciliation: Understanding Federal Early Learning & Care Funding Opportunities
Updated March 15, 2022 Each year, millions of low-income children from birth through age five benefit from the array of federal early learning and care programs, including the Child Care …

FAQ on the Child Care and Preschool Provisions in the Build Back Better Act
Congress is considering legislation built around President Biden’s Build Back Better (BBB) plan, which Democrats are working to pass through the budget reconciliation process. BBB includes policies and investments that, …

Child Care and Pre-K in the Build Back Better Act: A Look at the Legislative Text
As part of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda, Congress is considering the Build Back Better Act with proposals aimed at creating jobs, providing tax relief to the middle-class, and …

300+ Early Childhood Organizations Write to Congress in Support of Build Back Better Framework

Senate FY2022 Appropriations Proposal Includes Increases to Existing Federal Early Learning Programs
Today, the Senate Appropriations Committee released its proposed FY2022 funding bills, a 12-bill package to fund the federal government beyond December 3, 2021 when government funding under the most recent …

FAQ on Preschool and the Expansion Proposal in the Build Back Better Act
The Build Back Better Act (BBB) proposes a federal partnership with states to offer high-quality, free, inclusive, and mixed-delivery preschool services to all three- and four-year old children on a …
Letter to Congress Supporting Paid Leave, Child Care, and the Child Tax Credit in the Build Back Better Act
October 7, 2021 The Honorable Chuck SchumerMajority Leader, U.S. Senate The Honorable Bernie Sanders Chair, Senate Committee on the Budget The Honorable Patty MurrayChair, Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, …

Build Back Better Act: Child Care in the House Ways and Means Committee Package
As part of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda with proposals to create jobs, cut taxes, and lower costs for working families, the House and Senate are considering the Build …

Build Back Better Act: Child Care and Preschool in the House Education and Labor Committee Package
As part of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda with proposals to create jobs, cut taxes, and lower costs for working families, the House and Senate are considering the Build …