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Congress needs to hear from you!

Contact your Member to urge them to prioritize the federal programs that support so many families with their child care needs.

Amanda Guarino


Early Learning and Care in Final COVID Relief Legislation

January 28, 2021

Recognizing the essential role of child care — its proven benefits to a child’s learning and healthy development and its support of America’s labor market and economy by allowing parents …


Federal Investments are the Foundation for State and Local Early Learning and Child Care Programs

November 9, 2020

Our nation’s economy depends on child care. In 2016, about 11.8 million, or 58.7 percent of, children under age five participated in a regular, weekly care arrangement with a nonparental …


Early Learning and Care in Proposed COVID-19 Response

September 30, 2020

Recognizing the essential role of child care — its proven benefits to a child’s learning and healthy development and its support of America’s labor market and economy by allowing parents …


Total Federal TANF and State MOE Expenditures for Child Care and Early Learning in FY2020

August 18, 2020

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program provides federal grants to states to design and operate programs that help low income families achieve self-sufficiency. TANF plays a crucial role …


Advocates Call on White House to Prioritize Child Care in Negotiations for COVID-19 Recovery Package

August 4, 2020

A group of national child care advocacy organizations and provider groups have written to the White House urging those at the negotiating table to prioritize financial relief for the child …


To Continue Vital Services, Head Start Advocates Seek Additional Funding

August 4, 2020

Today, the National Head Start Association (NHSA) is leading a day of action calling for the Head Start community to #UniteforHeadStart so that programs have adequate funding to serve children …


The Cost of Providing High-Quality Early Learning and Care — Worth Every Penny

July 14, 2020

As understanding about the critical importance of early learning and development has grown, so too have expectations about the quality of care children receive. The overwhelming evidence shows that high-quality …


Urgent Request to Congress for Child Care Sector in COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Package

March 17, 2020

3/19/20 UPDATE: FFYF worked with our partners to assemble important data and information as further evidence for the need for substantial funding from the federal government for the child care …


FFYF Joins Advocates in Calling on Congress to Consider Child Care in COVID-19 Stimulus Package

March 11, 2020

FFYF has joined dozens of other child advocacy organizations in a letter to Congress requesting “significant attention to and investment in the child care and early learning sector” as part …


FFYF Shares Recommendations for the President’s FY2021 Budget Proposal

January 31, 2020

Ahead of the February release of the President’s FY2021 budget proposal to Congress, FFYF sent a letter to the Office of Management and Budget encouraging the administration to prioritize funding …


FFYF Supports the Child Care Protection Improvement Act of 2019

December 11, 2019

Senator Richard BurrRoom 217,Russell Senate Office BuildingWashington, DC 20510-3308 Senator Chris Van HollenRoom 110,Hart Senate Office BuildingWashington, DC 20510-2005 Dear Senator Burr and Senator Van Hollen, On behalf of the …


FFYF Submits Comments on Improving Access to High-Quality, Affordable Child Care

December 2, 2019

In October, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families (ACF) issued a request for information calling for an honest assessment of child care in …

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