Cody Uhing

White House’s FY2022 Budget Details President Biden’s Plans for Strengthening America’s Child Care & Early Learning System
The White House released President Joe Biden’s full FY2022 budget proposal, which includes important funding increases for the federal early learning and care programs and provides further details on the …

Senate Finance Committee Unveils Legislation to Help Address America’s Child Care Crisis
WASHINGTON – Yesterday, members of the Senate Finance Committee joined Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) in introducing the Building Child Care for a Better Future Act, which seeks to expand access to …

MIT Study Reveals Long-Term Benefits of High-Quality Early Childhood Education
This morning, the School Effectiveness and Inequality Initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) released the findings of a new study on the long-term effects of Boston’s preschool program. …

A Month Full of Major Developments for Early Learning & Care in Washington
Over the course of the past month, there has been unprecedented attention – and action – on child care and early learning in our nation’s capital. With the introduction of …

Republican Voters Support Early Learning & Child Care Proposals
On the heels of the release of the American Families Plan, which includes a proposed $225 billion for reforms and investment in child care funding, $220 billion to expand voluntary …

American Families Plan Includes Historic Support and Reforms for the Nation’s Early Learning & Child Care System
WASHINGTON – The White House has unveiled the details of President Biden’s American Families Plan, which includes a sweeping reform proposal to significantly and sustainably expand access to and the …

As Congress Crafts Jobs and Infrastructure Package, Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal Unveils Historic Investment in Child Care and Early Learning
WASHINGTON – Today, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) unveiled the Building an Economy for Families Act, a bill with a variety of provisions aimed at greatly …

ZERO TO THREE Releases State of Babies Yearbook: 2021
ZERO TO THREE released the State of Babies Yearbook: 2021, an in-depth report on how state and federal policies and the COVID-19 pandemic impact the lives of families and their …

Child Care for Working Families Act Re-Introduced in Congress
WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) and Congressman Bobby Scott (D-VA) re-introduced the Child Care for Working Families Act (CCWFA), comprehensive legislation that would address access, affordability, and quality …

National Report Examines State Preschool Policies in 2019-2020, Including Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) released the 2020 State of Preschool report, an annual survey of state preschool policies, which includes recent data on how the COVID-19 …

Vice President Harris Announces $39 Billion in Child Care Relief Going to States
This week, Vice President Kamala Harris announced the Administration would be releasing $39 billion in COVID-19 relief funds for the child care industry that passed as part of the American …

President Biden Seeks Important Funding Increases for Early Learning & Care Programs in FY2022
WASHINGTON – Today, the White House released President Joe Biden’s FY2022 budget request to Congress, which includes over $3 billion in funding increases for core federal early learning and care …