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First Five Years Fund


Virginia: Voter Support for Child Care Rivals Drug Pricing, Climate & Energy in Reconciliation

March 29, 2022

Virginians widely support legislation that will lower costs for families, including making child care more affordable. Lowering costs for families is a prime goal for voters right now: nearly nine …


North Carolina: Voter Support for Child Care Rivals Drug Pricing, Climate & Energy in Reconciliation

March 29, 2022

North Carolinians widely support legislation that will lower costs for families, including making child care more affordable. Lowering costs for families is a prime goal for voters right now: over …


New Hampshire: Voter Support for Child Care Rivals Drug Pricing, Climate & Energy in Reconciliation

March 29, 2022

New Hampshirites widely support legislation that will lower costs for families, including making child care more affordable. Lowering costs for families is a prime goal for voters right now: nearly …


Nevada: Voter Support for Child Care Rivals Drug Pricing, Climate & Energy in Reconciliation

March 29, 2022

Nevadans widely support legislation that will lower costs for families, including making child care more affordable. Lowering costs for families is a prime goal for voters right now: fully nine …


Georgia: Voter Support for Child Care Rivals Drug Pricing, Climate & Energy in Reconciliation

March 29, 2022

Georgians widely support legislation that will lower costs for families, including making child care more affordable. Lowering costs for families is a prime goal for voters right now: nearly nine …


Arizona: Voter Support for Child Care Rivals Drug Pricing, Climate & Energy in Reconciliation

March 29, 2022

Arizonans widely support legislation that will lower costs for families, including making child care more affordable. Lowering costs for families is a prime goal for voters right now: more than …


Voter Support for Child Care Rivals Drug Pricing, Climate & Energy in Reconciliation

March 28, 2022

As Congressional Democrats negotiate the contents of a budget reconciliation package, new polling shows that likely voters in seven Senate battleground states have a clear, two-pronged message for Congress: the …


Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Reauthorize CCDBG

March 23, 2022

WASHINGTON — Yesterday, a group of lawmakers led by Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) introduced legislation to reauthorize the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (CCDBG), which provides federal funding to …


Pre-K and Child Care Caucus Dear Colleague

March 16, 2022

2022 Pre-K and Child Care Caucus Virtual Kick-Off Speakers

March 16, 2022

The Child Care Crisis: Why the Status Quo is Failing Families, Early Educators, and our Economy

February 18, 2022

Now is the time to support children and families by ensuring affordable, quality early care and education options. Finding and affording quality child care and early learning options shouldn’t be …


High-Quality Early Learning & Care: Understanding the Proven Benefits & Need for Investment

February 3, 2022

Economic development starts with early childhood development—and the best investments ensure all children who need it have access to high-quality early learning and care opportunities. Evidence shows that increased access …

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