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First Five Years Fund


COVID-19 and Child Care

March 13, 2020

In response to questions about COVID-19 and its impacts for young children, their families, and child care providers, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) released two resources today. ACF …


Solutions to Support the Child Care Market Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

March 13, 2020

Today, the Bipartisan Policy Center shared recommendations for immediate congressional action to ensure, in the midst of ongoing uncertainty about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, that the child care …


Overview of the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five Program

March 4, 2020

Created as part of the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) on December 10, 2015, the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5) program is a $250 million competitive …


Early Learning and Care Highlighted at Azar, DeVos Appropriations Hearings

March 3, 2020

In case you missed it last week, members of the House and Senate held committee hearings to discuss FY2021 appropriations with the Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar …


Governors Across the Country Celebrate Federal Preschool Development Grant B-5 Funding

March 2, 2020

The Preschool Development Grant Birth through 5 (PDG B-5) is a $275 million competitive federal grant program designed to improve states’ early childhood systems by building upon existing federal, state, …


Congressional Appropriations Letter: Support FY21 CCDBG Funding

February 27, 2020

Congressional Appropriations Letter: Support Investments in Early Education and Working Families

February 27, 2020

Congressional Appropriations Letter: Support Funding for Head Start Programs

February 27, 2020

Congressional Appropriations Letter: Support Preschool Development Grants

February 27, 2020

Congressional Appropriations Letter: Support Increased Head Start Funding for FY21

February 27, 2020

FFYF and Congressional Pre-K Caucus Host Bipartisan Briefing to Highlight Federal ECE Programs

February 27, 2020

This afternoon, First Five Years Fund, in conjunction with the bipartisan Congressional Pre-K Caucus hosted a briefing on federal funding for early learning and care programs, including: the Child Care …


FFYF’s Sarah Rittling Named Pahara-Aspen Education Fellow

January 22, 2020

THIS PRESS RELEASE WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON THE PAHARA INSTITUTE WEBSITE. The Pahara Institute, together with the Aspen Institute, announced today the Spring 2020 cohort of the highly selective Pahara-Aspen …

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