First Five Years Fund

NYT: As Washington Limps Along, Head Start Thrives
Did you see the front page of today’s New York Times? Featured prominently — A1 above the fold — was an article about the undeniable success of the Head Start …

Governors Across the Country Celebrate Federal Preschool Development Grant B-5 Funding
Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Education (ED) announced that 46 states and territories have been awarded funding through the Preschool …

Federal Legislative Priorities: Early Childhood Education in the 116th Congress
As the 116th Congress begins, the First Five Years Fund has identified a preliminary legislative agenda for lawmakers to consider as they lay out their own policy priorities. In recent …

NEW VIDEO: FFYF Welcomes the 116th Congress to Washington
To the members of the 116th Congress: Welcome to Washington! As the new Congress gets underway, the First Five Years Fund has identified a bipartisan legislative agenda for lawmakers to …

Congress: Bipartisan Champions for Early Learning and Care – January 2019
For years, Congress has showed continued bipartisan support for early learning programs. Members of both parties have worked together to significantly increase funding, while also enacting reforms and improvements, to …

2018 National Poll: Social Media Graphics
With a divided Congress, voters see early childhood education as a rare, unifying policy issue – and they’re paying close attention to their lawmakers’ actions. According to a new bipartisan …

2018 National Poll: Fact Sheet
With a divided Congress, voters see early childhood education as a rare, unifying policy issue– and they’re paying close attention to their lawmakers’ actions. According to a new bipartisan poll …
2018 National Poll: Results By Question
FFYF’s sixth year of national polling, conducted in the days immediately following the 2018 Midterm Elections, shows Democratic and Republican voters alike expect members of Congress from across the aisle …
2018 National Poll: Full Results Deck
According to a new bipartisan poll commissioned by First Five Years Fund (FFYF), voters say a divided Congress should have no bearing on lawmakers’ ability to pass meaningful legislation supporting …

Bipartisan Progress: Early Childhood Education in the 115th Congress
Historic Bipartisan Achievements for Children and Families While partisanship loomed large over much of the 115th Congress, one issue brought Democrats and Republicans together in both the House and Senate: …
FY19 Appropriations Coalition Thank You Letter
October 11, 2018 The Honorable Richard ShelbyUnited States Senate304 Russell Senate Office BuildingWashington, DC 20510 Dear Chairman Shelby, The Child Care and Early Learning Coalition appreciates the increased funding included …
Strengthening the Quality of Care Nationwide with Early Head Start – Child Care Partnerships
Early Head Start – Child Care Partnership (EHS-CCP) grants aim to incorporate the strengths of Early Head Start into other child care opportunities in order to expand access to high-quality …