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Lucy Danley


Essential Excerpts: Child Care Quotes From The Hill

July 12, 2024

As we monitored hearings on Capitol Hill this week, it was striking to see how many of them featured the issue of child care. From the House Appropriations Committee to …


How we’re celebrating Mother’s Day and Provider Appreciation Day

May 10, 2024

This weekend is both Mother’s Day AND Provider Appreciation Day so now is the time to recognize the important work of both moms and the early educators and providers they …


Over Half of Families are Spending More Than 20% of Income on Child Care

June 29, 2022

The results of a new survey reveal that the cost of child care – already prohibitively expensive pre-pandemic – has only gotten worse for families as parents return to …


Brookings Analysis: Federal Child Care Proposal Would Help Families Struggling with Inflation

June 3, 2022

New analysis from the Brookings Institute shows that meaningful federal investment in child care and early learning will reduce the impact of inflation on working families, raise labor force participation …

US Capitol building

FFYF Co-Hosts Congressional Briefing Highlighting Importance of Federal ECE Funding

April 22, 2022

On Thursday, First Five Years Fund (FFYF), together with the National Head Start Association (NHSA), the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), and Child Care Aware of …


New Report from Wells Fargo: America’s Economy Relies on Child Care

March 4, 2022

Employers are currently struggling to hire workers while workers – particularly women – are struggling to rejoin the workforce. Why? In large part because working mothers are dependent on child …


Black History Month: Sharing Antiracist Research and Resources in Early Childhood Development

February 25, 2022

As Black History Month comes to a close, the FFYF is taking the opportunity to share new stories and research from partners and allies on how dismantling racism and uplifting …


POTUS, VP, and FLOTUS Hit the Road for Child Care and Preschool in the Build Back Better Act

October 15, 2021

Congress is currently considering the Build Back Better Act, which includes a sweeping reform proposal to significantly and sustainably expand access to quality child care and preschool in America. The …


Vice President Harris and Treasury Secretary Yellen Highlight New Report on the Urgent Need for Federal Investments in Child Care

September 16, 2021

Following the release of a new report from the Treasury Department entitled “The Economics of Child Care Supply in the United States”, Vice President Kamala Harris and Treasury Secretary Janet …


Vice President Kamala Harris Meets with Business Leaders on Building Back Better with Child Care

August 12, 2021

On Thursday afternoon, Vice President Harris met with business leaders from a variety of industries to discuss the need for long-term investments in early learning and care. This conversation is …


Primetime Coverage of America’s Child Care Dilemma from PBS NewsHour

July 23, 2021

Last week, in partnership with the Pritzker Children’s Initiative and the Stein Early Childhood Development Fund, PBS NewsHour aired a week-long the series, “Raising the Future: America’s child care dilemma,” …


New Data Reveals Lasting, Intergenerational Benefits of Early Learning Programs in Children 50 Years Later

July 21, 2021

A research team from the University of Chicago, which includes Nobel Prize-winning economist James J. Heckman, released the results of new analysis from an ongoing study of the Perry Preschool …

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