Megan Feldman

#DemDebate: 2020 Democratic Candidates on Early Learning and Care
This week, the 2020 Democratic candidates will take the debate stage in Detroit, MI, where they will discuss a range of issues important to the American people. Two nights of …

House Passes the ‘Building Blocks of STEM Act’
Yesterday, the House passed the ‘Building Blocks of STEM Act,’ a bipartisan, bicameral bill, introduced jointly by Congresswoman Stevens and Congressman Jim Baird (R-IN) in the House of Representatives, alongside …

AAP Report Reinforces Role Pediatricians Can Play in Promoting School Readiness
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a new report yesterday which highlights the role pediatricians play in supporting healthy development of young children so they are ready to learn …

New Effort Helps Bridge Gap between ECE and K-12 Systems
The Office of Head Start launched a new project this week to bridge the gap between early education and public K-12 school systems. Coordination between the two systems will help …

See How All 50 States Use CCDBG Funding to Support Working Families Access Quality Child Care
Yesterday, our friends at Child Care Aware of America released a series of state fact sheets on the status of funding through the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) …

Rural America Faces Barriers Accessing Quality Child Care
Yesterday, the Center for American Progress (CAP) released a column highlighting barriers rural America faces when it comes to quality child care. The new analysis presents five key facts on …

Happy Birthday, Head Start! Bipartisan Praise for this Vital Program
Saturday marked the 54th anniversary of the federal Head Start program. Head Start delivers comprehensive early learning, health, nutrition, and family support services to children ages 3 through 5 living …

America’s Governors Propose Nearly $3 Billion in Early Childhood Investments
Today, the Center for American Progress released an issue brief showcasing governors are committed to investing in early learning for their states. The brief provides state-by-state numbers on both Democratic …

Research: High-Quality ECE Strengthens Families and Can Break the Cycle of Poverty
A new analysis from Nobel laureate economist James Heckman finds that targeted, high-quality early childhood investments have the power to lift multiple generations out of poverty. This research demonstrates the …

FFYF Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! At FFYF, we are taking the time to stop and thank all of our nation’s incredible teachers and child care providers—particularly those working with children from …

Bipartisan Members of Congress Spend Time Learning with their Youngest Constituents
Over the past two weeks as lawmakers returned home for an in-district work period, many members of the House and Senate from both parties spent time visiting early learning and …

A Bipartisan Majority in Congress Call for Appropriators to Prioritize Early Childhood Funding
Each year through the appropriations process, Congress determines and allocates funding for federal programs, activities and priorities. And for the past several years, Congressional appropriations bills have sustained or increased …