Budget & Appropriations

2023 ABCs of Federal Early Learning and Child Care Funding Streams
Every year, millions of children who range in age from birth through five benefit from an array of federal early learning and care programs. While there are different early learning …

Congress Set to Approve Critical Funding Increases for Key Federal Early Childhood Education Programs
WASHINGTON – Today, Congressional leaders released their final FY2023 omnibus spending package, which includes prioritizing more than $2.8 billion in funding increases for core federal early learning and care programs, …

Bipartisan Path Forward For Year-End Package Lies in Early Learning & Child Care
WASHINGTON – Last night, top congressional appropriators announced that they struck a deal on a funding framework for the year-end FY2023 omnibus spending package. The First Five Years Fund (FFYF) joins …

Ahead of End-Of-Year Deal, Bipartisan Lawmakers & Members-Elect Agree Congress Must Work to Double Funding for CCDBG
As negotiations for the FY2023 spending bill continue, House and Senate members from across the aisle, members-elect for the 118th Congress, and leading national organizations agree that Congressional Appropriators must …

Congress Passes Continuing Resolution, Keeping Early Learning & Care Programs Funded into December
WASHINGTON – Today, Congress passed a bipartisan continuing resolution (CR) to keep the federal government funded until December 16, 2022, including a temporary extension of critical funding for the core …

FFYF’s 2022 Child Care & Early Learning State Fact Sheets
Our analysis of all 50 states and Washington, D.C. shows that the existing patchwork of federal and state early learning and care programs only reaches a fraction of income-eligible families. Federal …

House Budget Committee Hearing Highlights the Impact of Investing in Early Childhood
Last week, the House Budget Committee held a hearing to examine the impact of investing in children during their earliest years and long-term benefits of these investments for families and …

House Appropriations Committee Approves Bill With Proposed FY2023 Funding Levels for ECE Programs
Today, the House Appropriations Committee voted to pass the FY2023 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) bill, which provides funding for many of the core federal …

House Appropriations LHHS Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Teacher Shortages
The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) recently held a hearing on “Tackling Teacher Shortages.” Witnesses included: Dr. Lindsey Burke, Director of …

Lawmakers on Both Sides of the Aisle Call for Robust Early Learning & Care Funding
The appropriations process is an important time for legislators to determine their priorities for the next fiscal year. Congress uses this process to allocate funding for federal programs, activities and …

Advocates Call for Increased Funding for Early Learning and Care Programs in FY2023 Appropriations
The First Five Years Fund (FFYF) and a coalition of national early education advocacy organizations have written to Congressional appropriators with a request for increased funding for the existing federal …