Child Care & Development Block Grants

BREAKING: Congress Includes Crucial Relief for Child Care Industry in COVID-19 Stimulus Package
Nearly a third of all child care providers say they would not survive a closure of more than two weeks UPDATE: On March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and …

Here’s What’s Included for Child Care in the Congressional COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Package
This story is developing and will be updated with more details and information as we continue analyzing the many provisions of the bill that impact the child care industry. Today, …

Urgent Request to Congress for Child Care Sector in COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Package
3/19/20 UPDATE: FFYF worked with our partners to assemble important data and information as further evidence for the need for substantial funding from the federal government for the child care …

FFYF Joins Advocates in Calling on Congress to Consider Child Care in COVID-19 Stimulus Package
FFYF has joined dozens of other child advocacy organizations in a letter to Congress requesting “significant attention to and investment in the child care and early learning sector” as part …
Congressional Appropriations Letter: Support Investments in Early Education and Working Families

FFYF and Congressional Pre-K Caucus Host Bipartisan Briefing to Highlight Federal ECE Programs
This afternoon, First Five Years Fund, in conjunction with the bipartisan Congressional Pre-K Caucus hosted a briefing on federal funding for early learning and care programs, including: the Child Care …

Republicans and Democrats in Congress Speak Out for Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Program
Recognizing that quality child care can make a powerful difference in a child’s development and a family’s economic security, the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) program provides federal …

Lawmakers Urge HHS to Conduct National Needs Assessment of Early Learning and Care Facilities
Earlier this week, members of Congress from both sides of the aisle sent a letter to Secretary Azar calling for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to …

Congress Passes FY2020 Funding Bill with More Than $1 Billion Increase for Early Learning and Child Care
On December 19th, Congress passed the FY2020 government spending bills to fund the government through the remainder of the fiscal year. Included in the legislation is over $1 billion in …

Governors, Members of Congress and More Come Together on Child Care at White House Summit
Last week at the White House Summit on Child Care and Paid Leave, governors and lawmakers, as well as community and business leaders from across the country, spoke about the …

FFYF Supports the Child Care Protection Improvement Act of 2019
Senator Richard BurrRoom 217,Russell Senate Office BuildingWashington, DC 20510-3308 Senator Chris Van HollenRoom 110,Hart Senate Office BuildingWashington, DC 20510-2005 Dear Senator Burr and Senator Van Hollen, On behalf of the …