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Head Start & Early Head Start

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STATEMENT: FFYF Statement on Proposed FY25 Funding Levels for Child Care and Early Learning Programs

June 27, 2024

WASHINGTON – This morning, the House Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies held a markup on proposed funding levels for child care and early learning …


New Report Finds Inequities in Early Child Care and Education Access Among Black Children and Families

June 18, 2024

Quality child care and early education enhances children’s growth, learning, and development while simultaneously supporting working families. However, the rising cost of child care forces many families to depend on …

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Head Start and Early Head Start: The Program Overview

April 23, 2024

Head Start is a federally funded program that delivers comprehensive early learning, health, nutrition, and family support services to children ages 3 through 5 experiencing  poverty and their families. More …


The Biden Administration Gives Added Flexibility to Serve More Children in Head Start

April 8, 2024

On March 23, 2024, President Biden signed into law two changes that give Head Start programs additional flexibility to enroll children in Tribal communities and children of farmworkers.  Tribal Head …


The Fundamental Role of Child Care in Supporting Women

April 2, 2024

Last month, the Center for American Progress (CAP) published a new report, “Playbook for the Advancement of Women in the Economy.” Aligning with Women’s History Month, this “playbook” provides a …


GAO Report: Opportunities Within Head Start to Better Align Resources with Child Poverty

March 11, 2024

Recently, GAO released a report on the availability of Head Start throughout the nation. The report finds that the availability of Head Start programs varies widely across states and counties …


2024: ABCS of Federal Early Learning and Child Care Funding Streams

March 5, 2024

Every year, millions of children who range in age from birth through five benefit from an array of federal early learning and care programs. While there are different early learning …


ED and HHS Urge States to Make Headway on Mixed Delivery Preschool

March 1, 2024

Earlier this week, the U.S. Departments of Education (ED) and Health and Human Services (HHS) released a joint Dear Colleague letter urging leaders to work with local education agencies (LEAs) …


FFYF Submits Comments on 2023 Head Start NPRM

January 23, 2024

Last week, the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) submitted comments in response to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), Supporting the Head Start Workforce and Consistent Quality Programming, published by …


Report: “The Next Generation of Head Start”

November 2, 2023

Recently, the Children’s Equity Project, in partnership with the Equity Research Action Coalition, and the Center on the Ecology of Early Development (CEED), released a report, “The Next Generation of Head …


Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month: A Deep Dive Into Dual Language Learners

October 13, 2023

As FFYF commemorates Hispanic Heritage Month, we take a moment to reflect on the remarkable contributions of Latinx communities across the United States.  In recognizing and celebrating our nation’s Latinx …

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