Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: Overview
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education, and related services to more than 7 million eligible children and youth with disabilities across …

New GAO Report Highlights IDEA Early Intervention Programs
The report identified various challenges, including varying eligibility criteria, staffing shortages, and limited data collection, and concluded with several recommendations for Congress. The first few years of life are critical …

FFYF’S 2023 State Fact Sheets
Our new analysis of all 50 states and Washington, D.C. shows that child care and early learning programs have tremendous impacts on young children, their families, and the economy at …

Report Highlights Unequal Access to Special Education Services
Recently, the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) released “State[s] of Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education: Looking at Equity,” a report that finds that not all young …

Understanding Parents’ Complex Child Care Choices — or Lack Thereof
Parental choice is a fundamental value of our child care system. While all parents want their young children cared for in a safe and warm environment, they have varied needs …

Unprecedented Bipartisan Support for Robust Early Learning and Care Funding
As House and Senate appropriations requests come to a close, an unprecedented number of House members from both sides of the aisle have signed onto Dear Colleague letters calling for …

FFYF Executive Director Sarah Rittling Testifies Before Key House Committee On Child Care Funding
WASHINGTON – Today, First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Executive Director Sarah Rittling appeared before the Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) to testify about …

FFYF, Major Organizations Call for Increased Funding for Child Care Programs in FY24 Appropriations
WASHINGTON – Today, the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) and a coalition of 44 major early education advocacy organizations wrote to Congressional appropriators calling for increased funding for federal early learning and care …

Report: States are Making Progress in Creating Integrated ECE Systems
Last week, the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) released a state-by-state report analyzing the integration and efficiency of early care and education (ECE) systems. This report serves as a follow-up to …

Congress Set to Approve Critical Funding Increases for Key Federal Early Childhood Education Programs
WASHINGTON – Today, Congressional leaders released their final FY2023 omnibus spending package, which includes prioritizing more than $2.8 billion in funding increases for core federal early learning and care programs, …

Ahead of End-Of-Year Deal, Bipartisan Lawmakers & Members-Elect Agree Congress Must Work to Double Funding for CCDBG
As negotiations for the FY2023 spending bill continue, House and Senate members from across the aisle, members-elect for the 118th Congress, and leading national organizations agree that Congressional Appropriators must …

How Has COVID-19 Impacted Infants and Toddlers’ Social Development?
Our nation’s youngest children have lived most, if not all, of their lives during a global pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic drastically upended the lives of parents and children in a …