Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Treasury Dept. Report Highlights Market Failures in America’s Child Care System and How Build Back Better Can Help
The Department of Treasury released the Economics of Child Care Supply, a report analyzing America’s existing child care system that demonstrates how the private, market-based system fails to meet the …

50 Major American CEOs Call on Congress to Invest in America’s Families, Child Care Industry
In a letter sent to lawmakers this week, more than 50 CEOs of major companies who are members of the ReadyNation CEO Task Force on Early Childhood – including CEOs …

NEW POLL: Overwhelming Bipartisan Support for Child Care and Early Learning Proposals — With No Political Risk for Lawmakers
WASHINGTON — Today, the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) released the findings of a new poll of registered voters in five key Senate states and 40 Congressional districts, conducted by …

September 2021 Poll: Fact Sheet
As recent economic turmoil exacerbated decades-long child care challenges facing working parents, voters increasingly recognize the essential role that child care plays in the success of our economy. Ahead of …

125+ Economists and Public Policy Scholars Call for Comprehensive Investments in Child Care and Preschool from Congress
This morning, the Center for American Progress (CAP) released an open letter signed by more than 125 economists and public policy scholars urging that long-overdue, comprehensive investments in affordable, quality …

Child Care Aware of America Shares Summer Update on How States are Spending Federal Relief Funds
Recently, Child Care Aware of America released “Federal Relief Funds: State Progress, Summer 2021,” an update on how states plan to use Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act …

House Approves Important Annual Funding Increases for Federal Early Learning and Care Programs
WASHINGTON — This week, the House of Representatives passed a FY2022 funding package, which includes important funding increases for core federal early learning programs, including the Child Care and Development …

As Congressional Democrats Move to Reconciliation, Child Care and Preschool Must Be a Top Priority
WASHINGTON — Earlier today, the White House and Congressional leaders announced an agreement on the details of a bipartisan bill to invest in the nation’s physical infrastructure. With this agreement …

On Capitol Hill, Secretaries Cardona & Becerra Emphasize the Long-Term Value of Early Learning Investments
This week, members of Congress on capitol hill elevated the importance of investments in high-quality early learning and care in two hearings featuring Education Secretary Miguel Cardona and Health and …

During Appropriations Subcommittee Hearing, HHS Secretary Becerra Affirms Administration’s Commitment to Early Learning & Care
Last week, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra testified before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies hearing …

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Calls for Greater Support and Investments for Child Care to Spur Economic Recovery
America’s economic success will depend on a high-quality, affordable child care system that allows parents to enter, re-enter, and stay in the workforce. Underscoring just how important child care is to …

White House’s FY2022 Budget Details President Biden’s Plans for Strengthening America’s Child Care & Early Learning System
The White House released President Joe Biden’s full FY2022 budget proposal, which includes important funding increases for the federal early learning and care programs and provides further details on the …