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Preschool Development Grant Birth-5


Big News from FFYF’s Bipartisan Congressional Briefing Today on Preschool Development Grants

March 7, 2019

Earlier today, FFYF, in conjunction with the offices of Representatives Joaquin Castro (D-TX-20) and John Katko (R-NY-24), hosted a bipartisan briefing on Capitol Hill today to discuss the benefits of …


Bipartisan Lawmakers Request Funding Increase for Preschool Development Grant Program

March 7, 2019

Moments ago at a bipartisan briefing on Capitol Hill hosted by FFYF, Rep. John Katko (R-NY) shared the details of a “Dear Colleague” letter he is circulating with Rep. Joaquin …


Governors Across the Country Celebrate Federal Preschool Development Grant B-5 Funding

January 30, 2019

Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Education (ED) announced that 46 states and territories have been awarded funding through the Preschool …


Federal Legislative Agenda: Early Childhood Education in the 116th Congress

January 17, 2019

In recent years, Congress has made historic progress on behalf of America’s youngest learners through important, bipartisan policy and funding advancements around early childhood education. As a result, more children from low-income …


FFYF Releases Legislative Priorities and Resources for 116th Congress

January 17, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – With the 116th Congress now in session, the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) has released its federal legislative agenda outlining priorities and opportunities for lawmakers to advance …


46 States and Territories to Receive Preschool Development Grants

January 4, 2019

Big news! 46 states and territories have been awarded funding through the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5), a $250 million competitive federal grant designed to improve states’ existing early …


Major Increase in Number of States Applying for Preschool Development Grants

December 3, 2018

The Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5) is a new, $250 million, competitive federal grant opportunity authorized under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) – all 56 states …


States Show Tremendous Interest in PDG B-5 at Chicago Meeting

October 22, 2018

Earlier this month, the BUILD Initiative, the Alliance for Early Success, EducationCounsel, NIEER, and the Ounce of Prevention Fund coordinated a meeting in Chicago, IL to provide information and assistance …


FY19 Appropriations Coalition Thank You Letter

October 12, 2018

October 11, 2018 The Honorable Richard ShelbyUnited States Senate304 Russell Senate Office BuildingWashington, DC 20510 Dear Chairman Shelby, The Child Care and Early Learning Coalition appreciates the increased funding included …


PDG Birth-5 Statutory Overview and Funding Opportunity Announcement Highlights

October 5, 2018

This resource describes the Preschool Development Grant Birth Through Five program’s major statutory provisions and key Funding Opportunity Announcement requirements so that applicants have access to easy-to-understand information necessary for …


ICYMI: Back to School for Early Learners with Promise of Preschool Development Grants

September 6, 2018

As children across the country start school – many for the first time – it’s important to recognize the federal investments and partnerships that help make high-quality early childhood education …


A New Report Shows Benefits of Legacy Preschool Development Grant Program

August 7, 2018

Last week, the Departments of Education (ED) and Health and Human Services (HHS) released a progress report highlighting states’ progress in implementing the Legacy Preschool Development Grants (PDG). Congress appropriated …

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