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Economy & Business

Child care is an integral pillar to supporting a thriving economy, with 27 million Americans relying on it to work. The national shortage of affordable child care programs is doing significant harm to family finances, businesses’ bottom lines, and the U.S. economy broadly.

Here are five things to know about child care and our economy.

  1. The United States economy loses an estimated $122 billion a year due to child care challenges.
  2. On average, businesses lose $1,640 a year for each working parent due to lost revenue and hiring costs because of insufficient child care, totaling $23 billion annually.
  3.  77% of small business leaders say access to high-quality, affordable child care is essential or important to strengthening the economy and helping workers.
  4. Investments in high-quality child care and early learning programs can generate up to $7.30 per every dollar invested.
  5. The availability of early childhood education programs attracts homebuyers and increases property values by $13 for every dollar invested in programs.

Learn more:


Chamber of Commerce Foundation Highlights the Impact of COVID-19 on Child Care

October 1, 2020

The ongoing challenges of the child care industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic have had a major impact for families in communities all across the country. A new report, Childcare …


Early Learning and Care in Proposed COVID-19 Response

September 30, 2020

Recognizing the essential role of child care — its proven benefits to a child’s learning and healthy development and its support of America’s labor market and economy by allowing parents …


Alliance for Early Success Shares Roadmap to a Stronger Child Care System

September 29, 2020

The Alliance for Early Success recently released the Build Stronger Child Care Policy Roadmap, a comprehensive strategy to rebuild the nation’s child care system developed in collaboration with state and …


New House COVID-19 Recovery Package Includes $57 Billion for Child Care

September 28, 2020

Legislation underscores broad recognition among federal lawmakers that the American economy will not recover without a stable child care system to support working parents WASHINGTON — Tonight, House Speaker Nancy …


FFYF Releases State Fact Sheets, Highlighting Unique Local Landscapes

September 16, 2020

This summer, FFYF released updated state fact sheets, which draw on numerous data sources to offer details about the early childhood opportunities in each state made possible through federal and state …


On Grandparents Day, Let’s Celebrate And Support Grandparents As Caregivers

September 13, 2020

This weekend, families across the U.S. will celebrate Grandparents Day. As we take the time to recognize the grandparents in our lives, we should also consider the important role that …


Senate’s “Skinny” COVID-19 Package Includes $15 Billion for Child Care from HEALS Act

September 9, 2020

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) introduced a paired-down economic relief package, which includes $15 billion in emergency funding for the child care industry. While not enough …


Child Care Providers Experiencing 47% Increase in Operating Expenses Amid Pandemic Crisis

September 8, 2020

A new interactive tool created by the Center for American Progress (CAP) estimates the true cost of providing child care that meets pandemic-related state guidelines. Child care is a necessity for working …


Top Economist Calls on Congress to Prioritize Relief Funding for Child Care Industry

September 2, 2020

Underscoring the dire need for significant federal relief to stabilize the child care industry, the nation’s former top economist called on Congress to prioritize the urgent needs of child care …


Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans Immediately Available to Child Care Providers

August 28, 2020

The following is information provided by First Five Years Fund and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation for child care small businesses interested in applying for a loan through Paycheck …


Brief Identifies Key Considerations for More Equitable Access to Child Care During COVID-19 Crisis

August 21, 2020

This week, Child Trends released a new resource for state and local policy makers as they look to support child care providers and families during the pandemic.  The brief highlights …


ACF Publishes Revised COVID-19 FAQ Resource

August 20, 2020

Last week, the Office of Child Care (OCC) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) published an update to their COVID-19 FAQs resource to address questions related to subsidized …

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