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Congress needs to hear from you!

Contact your Member to urge them to prioritize the federal programs that support so many families with their child care needs.

Economy & Business

Child care is an integral pillar to supporting a thriving economy, with 27 million Americans relying on it to work. The national shortage of affordable child care programs is doing significant harm to family finances, businesses’ bottom lines, and the U.S. economy broadly.

Here are five things to know about child care and our economy.

  1. The United States economy loses an estimated $122 billion a year due to child care challenges.
  2. On average, businesses lose $1,640 a year for each working parent due to lost revenue and hiring costs because of insufficient child care, totaling $23 billion annually.
  3.  77% of small business leaders say access to high-quality, affordable child care is essential or important to strengthening the economy and helping workers.
  4. Investments in high-quality child care and early learning programs can generate up to $7.30 per every dollar invested.
  5. The availability of early childhood education programs attracts homebuyers and increases property values by $13 for every dollar invested in programs.

Learn more:


Stanford Study: One in Four Child Care Workers Reports Difficulty Affording Housing

April 4, 2023

With many of our nation’s early educators trying to survive on poverty-level salaries, a new Stanford study has found that one out of every four child care workers experiences difficulties …


Video: Child Care is Essential

April 3, 2023

There’s no question that child care is essential for working families and our economy. Addressing the nation’s long standing child care challenges will be integral to the success of any …


The State of Child Care Ahead of SOTU

February 6, 2023

As President Biden prepares to deliver his second State of the Union, and first to a divided Congress, First Five Years Fund (FFYF) has put together a state-of-play on a …


Child Care Crisis Costing U.S. $122 Billion, New Report Finds

February 2, 2023

To support a strong workforce and a robust economy, Congress and President Biden must support child care policy. Ahead of State of the Union, a new report by ReadyNation has found that …


BLS Report Finds Price of Child Care “Untenable for All Families” 

January 25, 2023

WASHINGTON – A new report by the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Women’s Bureau had a striking conclusion: The cost of child care is untenable for families across …


Survey Data Confirm that Child Care Sector Continues to Crumble

January 25, 2023

While many aspects of life have returned to normal, or close to it, the child care sector continues to be in peril, according to the December 2022 fact sheet with …


The 118th Congress: Opportunities for Child Care and Early Learning

January 18, 2023

The 118th Congress has the opportunity to invest in America’s children, working families, and the economy through high-quality early childhood education. This resource book is an introduction to the foundational …


2023 FFYF Federal Guide to Early Learning and Care Programs

January 18, 2023

The 118th Congress has the opportunity to invest in America’s children, working families, and the economy through high-quality early childhood education. This resource book is an introduction to the foundational …


What is the Role of Businesses in Supporting Access to Child Care?

November 10, 2022

On November 4, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation hosted a “Child Care Roadmap for Employers” event spotlighting small and large businesses that have been proactive in providing employees who …


WH Report Confirms Federal Relief Funding Supported over 200,000 Providers in the Child Care Sector

October 27, 2022

Now Congress Must Come Together and Provide Long Term Solutions Before a Devastating Cliff  The White House has released a new report detailing how dedicated federal relief funding for child …


FFYF Statement on Bipartisan Introduction of The Jackie Walorski Maternal and Child Home Visiting Reauthorization Act of 2022

September 20, 2022

WASHINGTON – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) and Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-TX), alongside Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Ranking Member Cathy …


ACF Releases Guidance to Increase ECE Workforce Compensation and Supports

September 14, 2022

On September 12, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) released three information memoranda that emphasize sustainable strategies to support the workforce across three federal funding streams: Head Start, Child …

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