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House Education and Labor Committee Holds Bipartisan Hearing on Child Care and Early Learning

February 7, 2020

This week, the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education held a hearing on the need for high-quality, affordable child care entitled …


FFYF Shares Recommendations for the President’s FY2021 Budget Proposal

January 31, 2020

Ahead of the February release of the President’s FY2021 budget proposal to Congress, FFYF sent a letter to the Office of Management and Budget encouraging the administration to prioritize funding …


Congress Passes FY2020 Funding Bill with More Than $1 Billion Increase for Early Learning and Child Care

December 16, 2019

On December 19th, Congress passed the FY2020 government spending bills to fund the government through the remainder of the fiscal year. Included in the legislation is over $1 billion in …


Small Business Loans and Child Care Providers

December 10, 2019

Whether it’s in a home, church, school, stand-alone center, or part of a larger office building, families rely on licensed child care providers in any number of settings to care …


HHS Undertakes Nationwide Child Care Listening Tour

November 18, 2019

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) just wrapped up a nationwide, 10-city listening tour, which featured roundtable discussions with parents, employers, child care providers, states and localities, tribal …


Strengthening the Early Childhood Workforce through Registered Apprenticeships

November 11, 2019

High-quality early childhood education (ECE) for kids from birth through age five – particularly those from low-income families – is proven to help children develop the social, emotional and academic …


Children in the 2020 Census: Funding for Federal Programs Tied to Accurate Census Count

November 5, 2019

Every 10 years, the Census Bureau at the U.S. Department of Commerce conducts a nationwide census to count all U.S. residents. Among other things, Census results determine how federal funds …


Child Trends Report Details States’ Use of Increased Federal Child Care Funding

October 10, 2019

The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) program provides federal funds to low-income families to help them afford high-quality child care. In 2014, a bipartisan reauthorization of the CCDBG …


October is Head Start Awareness Month!

October 3, 2019

This October, FFYF is honoring Head Start Awareness Month — an important opportunity to reflect on and appreciate this critical federal early learning program. Since its founding in 1965, Head …


Updated Fact Sheets Show Opportunities for States

September 16, 2019

On Monday, the Center for American Progress (CAP) released their 2019 Early Learning Fact Sheets which provide an overview of early learning in each state.  As in previous years, CAP’s …


FFYF Co-Hosts Kickoff for Bipartisan Congressional Pre-K Caucus

September 12, 2019

Last night, FFYF and PBS KIDS hosted a kick-off event for the bipartisan Pre-K Caucus along with its Co-Chairs. Joined by Daniel Tiger and Cat in the Hat, the event …


IDEA Early Intervention and Preschool Programs

July 29, 2019

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education, and related services to more than 7 million eligible children and youth with …

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