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New Data Reveals Lasting, Intergenerational Benefits of Early Learning Programs in Children 50 Years Later

July 21, 2021

A research team from the University of Chicago, which includes Nobel Prize-winning economist James J. Heckman, released the results of new analysis from an ongoing study of the Perry Preschool …


By Addressing Early Childhood Educator Retention Challenges, Outcomes for Children Are Also Improved

July 9, 2021

The early childhood workforce is a linchpin for communities nationwide, even while working high stress jobs that are largely underpaid and underappreciated. A new policy brief from the Child Care …


Mixed Delivery Systems Encourage Parent Choice and Strengthen Child Care Programs

June 24, 2021

As policymakers seek to reform and invest in America’s child care and early learning system, a crucial component must be ensuring families are able to choose care options that work …


Celebrating the Week of the Young Child!

April 11, 2021

This week, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is celebrating their annual Week of the Young Child. This week was designed to serve as a reminder …

Two young girls sitting on the ground playing with building blocks and dinosaurs.

Title I Funding Can Play a Critical Role in Supporting Early Learning

February 4, 2021

During his campaign, President Biden announced he would triple Title I funding, which, in addition to his broader proposal to expand access to high-quality child care and early childhood education …


CDC Study Examines How Head Start Programs Successfully Mitigate Spread of COVID-19

January 11, 2021

Addressing concerns regarding the spread of COVID-19 in early learning and care facilities has been a challenge for many providers. The CDC recently released a new report outlining how Head …


New Resource Helps Calculate Cost of COVID Mitigation Efforts in Early Learning Settings

December 18, 2020

A new paper from the National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance (ECQA Center) explains how their Provider Cost of Quality Calculator can help states and policy makers understand the …


OPRE Report Looks at How to Conceptualize and Measure Access to Care

December 9, 2020

In a new report, the Office of Research, Planning, and Evaluation (OPRE), in collaboration with Child Trends, examines how the early learning field has attempted to measure access to child …


FFYF Celebrates 30 Years of Quality Child Care through CCDBG

November 5, 2020

Today marks 30 years since the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. For three decades, …


Early Head Start – Child Care Partnerships Offer Opportunity to Expand Access to High-Quality Early Learning Opportunities

October 29, 2020

During Head Start Awareness Month, and all year long, we are excited to share an innovative program model: the Early Head Start – Child Care Partnerships (EHS-CCPs). First created in …


Early Head Start – A Vital Component of the Continuum of High-Quality Care

October 22, 2020

As we continue our celebration of Head Start Awareness Month, this week we turn our focus to Early Head Start, which provides intensive, comprehensive child development and family support services …


Study Points to Successes of COVID-19 Health & Safety Protocols in Protecting Child Care Workers

October 16, 2020

A new study of more than 55,000 child care providers throughout the United States conducted by Yale University found that, in the early months of the pandemic, child care providers …

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