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House Dear Colleague Letter Supporting Head Start in FY2020

March 28, 2019

See Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships in Action with “All Our Kin”

March 13, 2019

Finding affordable child care that’s also high-quality can be challenging for American families, especially for low-income families. In 33 states the annual cost of infant care exceeds the cost of …


FFYF Calls for Greater Resources for ECE Workforce in Higher Education Act

February 27, 2019

The Higher Education Act (HEA) includes teacher quality programs (Title II) and federal student aid programs (Title IV) that can play an important role in supporting state and local efforts to …


GAO Report: States Making Great Strides with Increased Federal Child Care Dollars

February 27, 2019

The following post is a collaboration between the First Five Years Fund (FFYF), Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) and the Center for American Progress (CAP).   A new report from the …


NYT: As Washington Limps Along, Head Start Thrives

February 5, 2019

Did you see the front page of today’s New York Times? Featured prominently — A1 above the fold — was an article about the undeniable success of the Head Start …


Report Reaffirms the Importance of Quality in Early Learning

January 31, 2019

A new report out today from Learning Policy Institute analyzes research studies of 21 public preschool programs and found that, overall, children who attend preschool programs are more prepared for …


FFYF, Bipartisan Policy Center & Educare Schools Co-Host Early Head Start – Child Care Partnership Event

January 17, 2019

Early Head Start – Child Care Partnerships (EHS-CCPs) maximize the impact of federal Head Start grants and Child Care subsidy dollars through partnerships between Early Head Start programs and an …


46 States and Territories to Receive Preschool Development Grants

January 4, 2019

Big news! 46 states and territories have been awarded funding through the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5), a $250 million competitive federal grant designed to improve states’ existing early …


New Report Highlights State Implementation of “Essential Elements” for High-Quality Pre-K

November 15, 2018

This week the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) released an analysis of 59 public pre-k programs in 44 states and the District of Columbia. NIEER’s report relied on …


States Show Tremendous Interest in PDG B-5 at Chicago Meeting

October 22, 2018

Earlier this month, the BUILD Initiative, the Alliance for Early Success, EducationCounsel, NIEER, and the Ounce of Prevention Fund coordinated a meeting in Chicago, IL to provide information and assistance …


Strengthening the Quality of Care Nationwide with Early Head Start – Child Care Partnerships

October 11, 2018

Early Head Start – Child Care Partnership (EHS-CCP) grants aim to incorporate the strengths of Early Head Start into other child care opportunities in order to expand access to high-quality …


PDG Birth-5 Statutory Overview and Funding Opportunity Announcement Highlights

October 5, 2018

This resource describes the Preschool Development Grant Birth Through Five program’s major statutory provisions and key Funding Opportunity Announcement requirements so that applicants have access to easy-to-understand information necessary for …

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