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Congress needs to hear from you!

Contact your Member to urge them to prioritize the federal programs that support so many families with their child care needs.

Working Families

Access to affordable, reliable, and high-quality early learning and child care opportunities provides working families with better job stability and overall economic security.

Here are five things to know about child care and working families.

  1. Child care prices are untenable across all program types, age groups, and geographic locations. In 2021, the cost of infant care ranged from 24.6% to 75.1% of income for single-parent households.
  2. Child care helps parents return to or stay at work, which can generate an additional $94,000 in lifetime earnings for mothers.
  3. Almost half of parents are absent from work at least once every six months due to child care issues.
  4. 74% of mothers and 66% of fathers have left work early, arrived late, or been absent because child care fell through at the last minute.
  5. In a recent poll, 59% of part-time or non-working parents say they would go back to work full-time if their child had access to quality child care at a reasonable cost.

Learn more:


Letter Urges Congress to Strengthen Child & Dependent Care Tax Credit

March 2, 2021

Last week, a group of the nation’s leading child care and child advocacy organizations, including the First Five Years Fund, penned a letter to Congressional leaders urging support for the …


New Pew Study Highlights Child Care Struggles for Working Parents

February 11, 2021

Working parents have faced a year like no other. The Pew Research Center recently released new data from a survey of working parents that reflects that many working parents have …


FFYF’s Blueprint for Progress

February 8, 2021

Across the political spectrum, voters and policymakers recognize the importance of investing in policy solutions that support healthy development in children, beginning at birth, while allowing working parents to pursue …


OPRE Report Looks at How to Conceptualize and Measure Access to Care

December 9, 2020

In a new report, the Office of Research, Planning, and Evaluation (OPRE), in collaboration with Child Trends, examines how the early learning field has attempted to measure access to child …


New Report from U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation on the Impact of COVID-19 on Working Parents

October 23, 2020

It’s no secret that many parents are reaching the end of their ropes as the Coronavirus pandemic drags on. For many, it has permanently impacted their career paths and the …


Women’s Workforce Participation Is At Its Lowest Point Since The 80s. Child Care Is An Essential Part Of The Solution.

October 19, 2020

The September jobs report makes clear what economists have been fearing throughout the COVID-19 pandemic—this economic crisis is disproportionately affecting working women, and stands to set progress on women’s workplace …


Child Trends Brief Advises States on Using A Family-Centered Framework to Guide COVID-19 Response

September 18, 2020

In a new brief, Child Trends discusses how Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) state administrators, policymakers, and researchers can apply the Access Framework to guide policy and funding decisions …


FFYF Releases State Fact Sheets, Highlighting Unique Local Landscapes

September 16, 2020

This summer, FFYF released updated state fact sheets, which draw on numerous data sources to offer details about the early childhood opportunities in each state made possible through federal and state …


On Grandparents Day, Let’s Celebrate And Support Grandparents As Caregivers

September 13, 2020

This weekend, families across the U.S. will celebrate Grandparents Day. As we take the time to recognize the grandparents in our lives, we should also consider the important role that …


Survey Highlights Growing Child Care Concerns for Parents as Pandemic Continues

August 31, 2020

A new national survey of parents of children under age five from the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) and Morning Consult reaffirms the importance of child care for our economic recovery …


America’s Child Care Crisis Sees Major Uptick in Media Coverage

August 5, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated financial challenges that child care providers have faced for years, pushing the industry to the brink of collapse. Anxious parents and struggling child care providers …


Working Families are Losing Access to Child Care as Providers Struggle to Stay Open

June 18, 2020

America needs child care relief to keep the industry afloat during the nation’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The disastrous economic crisis has hit the child care industry especially …

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