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House Subcommittee Bill Includes Major Funding Increases for Federal ECE Programs

April 29, 2019

Late Monday afternoon, the Democratic leadership of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies released its FY2020 funding bill, which includes many of …


Governors Use ‘State of the State’ Address to Share Early Learning Plans

April 23, 2019

A majority of governors across the country used their 2019 State of the State address as an opportunity to highlight their state’s commitment to, and investment in, early childhood education. …


Members of Congress Showcase Bipartisan Support for Early Learning and Care

April 15, 2019

In recent months, members of the House and Senate from both parties have visited early learning and care providers across the country – highlighting their support and the importance of …


NBC Nightly News: Head Start is a Bipartisan Success Story

April 10, 2019

NBC Nightly News aired a heartwarming segment on the undeniable success of the Head Start program, highlighting how the program is giving children in poverty a chance to develop the …


TAX DAY: These Members of Congress Introduced a Bill to Increase the Child Care Tax Credit

April 9, 2019

  Ahead of Tax Day, bipartisan leaders in Congress have taken an important step toward making child care more accessible for working families across America. Representatives Stephanie Murphy (D-FL-7) and …


Peterson, Herrera Beutler introduce bipartisan legislation to address shortage of affordable, quality child care

March 8, 2019

Today in response to a growing body of research about the shortage for quality, affordable child care in rural communities, Representatives Collin C. Peterson (D-MN) and Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) …


Big News from FFYF’s Bipartisan Congressional Briefing Today on Preschool Development Grants

March 7, 2019

Earlier today, FFYF, in conjunction with the offices of Representatives Joaquin Castro (D-TX-20) and John Katko (R-NY-24), hosted a bipartisan briefing on Capitol Hill today to discuss the benefits of …


Veterans’ Access to Child Care Act Passed House with Significant Bipartisan Support

February 14, 2019

Last week, the House passed HR 840, the Veterans’ Access to Child Care Act (Act), which would require the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide child care assistance to …


NYT: As Washington Limps Along, Head Start Thrives

February 5, 2019

Did you see the front page of today’s New York Times? Featured prominently — A1 above the fold — was an article about the undeniable success of the Head Start …


FFYF, Bipartisan Policy Center & Educare Schools Co-Host Early Head Start – Child Care Partnership Event

January 17, 2019

Early Head Start – Child Care Partnerships (EHS-CCPs) maximize the impact of federal Head Start grants and Child Care subsidy dollars through partnerships between Early Head Start programs and an …


Amid Shutdown, Congress Passes Bipartisan Extension of TANF Program

January 15, 2019

UPDATE: On January 22, 2019, the U.S. Senate approved a temporary extension of the TANF program through June 30, 2019. The bill now heads to the president’s desk for signature.  …


46 States and Territories to Receive Preschool Development Grants

January 4, 2019

Big news! 46 states and territories have been awarded funding through the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5), a $250 million competitive federal grant designed to improve states’ existing early …

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