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50 Major American CEOs Call on Congress to Invest in America’s Families, Child Care Industry

September 21, 2021

In a letter sent to lawmakers this week, more than 50 CEOs of major companies who are members of the ReadyNation CEO Task Force on Early Childhood – including CEOs …


Vice President Harris and Treasury Secretary Yellen Highlight New Report on the Urgent Need for Federal Investments in Child Care

September 16, 2021

Following the release of a new report from the Treasury Department entitled “The Economics of Child Care Supply in the United States”, Vice President Kamala Harris and Treasury Secretary Janet …


House Ways & Means Committee Holds Markup Hearing to Advance Critical Child Care Provisions in the Build Back Better Act

September 16, 2021

This week the House Ways & Means Committee passed its portion of the Build Back Better Act which includes significant investments in child care and early learning aimed to improve …


House Ways and Means Committee Approves Build Back Better Act Provisions to Help Address America’s Child Care Crisis

September 16, 2021

WASHINGTON – This week, the House Committee on Ways and Means passed its portion of the Build Back Better Act, including a permanent expansion of the Child and Dependent Care …


125+ Economists and Public Policy Scholars Call for Comprehensive Investments in Child Care and Preschool from Congress

September 14, 2021

This morning, the Center for American Progress (CAP) released an open letter signed by more than 125 economists and public policy scholars urging that long-overdue, comprehensive investments in affordable, quality …


Build Back Better Act: Child Care and Preschool in the House Education and Labor Committee Package

September 14, 2021

As part of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda with proposals to create jobs, cut taxes, and lower costs for working families, the House and Senate are considering the Build …


Vice President Kamala Harris Meets with Business Leaders on Building Back Better with Child Care

August 12, 2021

On Thursday afternoon, Vice President Harris met with business leaders from a variety of industries to discuss the need for long-term investments in early learning and care. This conversation is …


FFYF Hosts Congressional Briefing on Our Current Child Care Crisis

July 27, 2021

On July 22, 2021, First Five Years Fund (FFYF) hosted a virtual congressional briefing, “Understanding the Child Care Crisis: Why Our Current Child Care System is Failing to Meet the …


Primetime Coverage of America’s Child Care Dilemma from PBS NewsHour

July 23, 2021

Last week, in partnership with the Pritzker Children’s Initiative and the Stein Early Childhood Development Fund, PBS NewsHour aired a week-long the series, “Raising the Future: America’s child care dilemma,” …


President Biden Highlights Opportunity to “Build Back Better” Through Investments in Early Learning and Care

July 8, 2021

Wednesday afternoon, President Joe Biden traveled to Crystal Lake, Illinois, where he visited McHenry County College to highlight his administration’s “Build Back Better” plan, including his proposal for a significant, …


House Education & Labor Committee Hearing Examines Key Elements of American Families Plan

June 25, 2021

This week, the House Education and Labor Committee convened a hearing to examine the Biden Administration’s fiscal year (FY) 2022 Department of Education budget request and to discuss how the …


Senate Banking Committee Hearing Highlights the Vital Role of Child Care in Our Post-Pandemic Economy

June 25, 2021

This week, the Senate Banking Committee held what Chairwoman Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) noted was likely the first hearing on child care in the history of the Banking Committee. The Economic …

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