Learn About the Positive Impact of MIECHV in Your State

The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program provides federal funds to states, territories, and tribal entities for voluntary, evidence-based home visiting services. This program was reauthorized in 2018 through FY2022 and will expire September 30, 2022. Given the urgent need for reauthorization, FFYF has created fact sheets for all 50 states and D.C demonstrating the positive impact of MIECHV.
Voluntary home visiting programs, like those made possible by MIECHV, pair families who often have limited support and resources with trained home visitors such as nurses, social workers, and educators. Home visitors meet with parents one on one from pregnancy through their child’s kindergarten entry to help lay the foundation for the health, education, development, and economic self-sufficiency of the entire family.
MIECHV is the recognized gold standard in voluntary, evidence-based policymaking. However, federal funding for MIECHV has not increased since FY2013, which has diminished the ability of states to support families who are in need. Prior to FY2013, MIECHV funding was increased from $100 million to $250 million in FY2011, $350 million in FY2012, and $400 million annually in FY2013 and subsequent years. The National Home Visiting Resource Center (NHVRC) estimates that 22,976,500 children and 17,637,800 families could benefit from home visiting.
After nearly a decade of level funding, the National Home Visiting Coalition, of which FFYF is a member, recommends a 5-year reauthorization that would increase funding by $200 million annually (reaching $1.4 billion in FY2027); doubling the MIECHV tribal set-aside from 3% to 6% to reach more families in American Indian and Alaska Native communities; and continuing to allow virtual home visiting implemented with model fidelity as a service delivery option for families who choose it.
Learn more about the positive impact of MIECHV in your state using the list below:
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