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March 2025: Letter to the Office of Management and Budget

On March 7, 2025, 42 organizations signed a letter to Director Russell Vought at the Office of Management and Budget, asking the White House to continue to prioritize child care as they put together the agenda for the FY2026 budget request to Congress.

“Making sure parents can find and afford quality child care is both a “pro-work” and “pro-family” policy. Addressing America’s child care challenges provides the Administration with the opportunity to strengthen family finances, support a thriving workforce, and boost the economy. Most importantly, quality child care provides young children with vital opportunities to learn and grow.  As you craft the FY2026 Presidential budget, we urge prioritizing increased funding for child care solutions essential to families, businesses, and the President’s economic agenda.”

In the letter, groups requested robust funding for the following programs:

  • Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG)
  • Head Start
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part C and Part B, Section 619
  • Preschool Development Grants Birth through Five (PDG B-5)
  • Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS)

The groups also urged the prioritization of child care-specific tax provisions including the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC),Employer-Provided Child Care Credit (45F), and Dependent Care Assistance Plans, which together would help more parents afford child care while supporting employer efforts to connect employees to child care options.

See the full letter, including the specific funding requests, below.

DownloadFY26 – Early Childhood Education Community OMB Budget Request (107.30 kB)

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