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Two young kids look at a workbook and draw on it
739 found

GAO Report: Federal Child Care Subsidies Reach Fraction of Eligible Kids

April 6, 2023

Last week, GAO published a new report on the state of federal child care subsidies. Using FY 2019 data as well as recently conducted interviews with state administrators and child …


Child Care in White House Economic Report of the President

April 4, 2023

Last week, the White House released the “Economic Report of the President”, which prominently demonstrates the vital role that access to high-quality, affordable child care plays in supporting children’s healthy …


Stanford Study: One in Four Child Care Workers Reports Difficulty Affording Housing

April 4, 2023

With many of our nation’s early educators trying to survive on poverty-level salaries, a new Stanford study has found that one out of every four child care workers experiences difficulties …


Video: Child Care is Essential

April 3, 2023

There’s no question that child care is essential for working families and our economy. Addressing the nation’s long standing child care challenges will be integral to the success of any …


Unprecedented Bipartisan Support for Robust Early Learning and Care Funding

March 31, 2023

As House and Senate appropriations requests come to a close, an unprecedented number of House members from both sides of the aisle have signed onto Dear Colleague letters calling for …


Inequitable Infant and Toddler Discipline Practices and the Need for Better Data

March 24, 2023

Conversations around child care accessibility usually focus on program cost and availability—Is a family able to find a program within their budget? Are the location and hours convenient? How long …


One Big Thing: Equal Pay and Child Care

March 14, 2023

A new report by Wells Fargo has found that a majority of women in the United States — a record 52 percent — were unmarried in 2021.  The study pointed …


The First Five Things to Know: Child Care in the President’s Budget Proposal

March 8, 2023

Each year, shortly after the State of the Union Address, the President submits a budget blueprint to Congress. The proposal underscores the White House’s priorities, listing their desired funding across …


The First Five Things to Know: Impact of the Child Care Crisis on Women & Mothers

March 8, 2023

Over the past several years, the U.S. has altered the landscape of motherhood, piling on even more new pressures and demands. The ongoing child care crisis is keeping women out …


Toolkit Helps Build Bipartisan Support for Child Care

March 6, 2023

Last month, the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) released a new toolkit aimed at helping stakeholders at the federal, state, and local levels across the political spectrum understand the child care …


New Funding Opportunity for Tribal MIECHV

February 28, 2023

Earlier this month, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) announced a grant opportunity for tribes to access funding for the FY 2023 Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting …

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