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Two young kids look at a workbook and draw on it
739 found

State-by-State CCDBG Appropriations Estimates

January 13, 2023

Thanks to strong bipartisan support, the final FY2023 omnibus spending package prioritized more than $2.8 billion in funding increases for core federal early learning and care programs, including a 30% …


FY23 Final Funding Levels for Key Early Learning Programs

January 5, 2023
US Capitol building

Moving Early Learning and Care Forward: Federal Legislative Proposals from Lawmakers on Both Sides of the Aisle

January 5, 2023

While Congress has put forward numerous federal early learning and care proposals over many years, FFYF has curated a sampling of bills authored by Democrats and Republicans that work to …


Happy Holidays from FFYF!

December 16, 2022

Dear friends, As 2022 comes to a close and we look optimistically towards a New Year and a new Congress, we are grateful for the partners, advocates and lawmakers who …

Little girl sitting at table coloring.

Study Shows ECE Improves Long-Term Outcomes

December 16, 2022

A new longitudinal study, “Kindergarten through Grade 3 Outcomes Associated with Participation in High-Quality Early Care and Education: A RCT Follow-Up Study”, found that high-quality early care and education (ECE) …


Report Demonstrates Inequitable Access to Head Start Services

December 9, 2022

The National Institute of Early Education Research (NIEER) recently released “State[s] of Head Start and Early Head Start,” a report that focuses on access to Head Start and Early Head …


2022 Voter and Small Business Polling Memo

November 30, 2022

On behalf of First Five Years Fund, Hart Research (D) and New Bridge Strategy (R) recently completed national polling among voters and small business leaders on the effects of child …


2022 Voter Polling Fact Sheet

November 30, 2022

While voter motivations behind the outcomes of the 2022 midterm elections will be hotly debated over the coming weeks and months, a national poll commissioned by the First Five Years …


2022 Small Business Polling Fact Sheet

November 30, 2022

Voters from both sides of the aisle understand the essential role that child care plays in the success of our economy, and expect Congress and the White House to work …


2022 Voter and Small Business Polling Deck

November 30, 2022

Overwhelming Demand From Voters and Small Businesses for Federal Investments in Child Care:Findings from national survey of voters and small business owners, November 2022


Reports Highlight the Critical Role of Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships

November 29, 2022

The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), in partnership with the Children’s Equity Project and Start Early, recently released a set of briefs highlighting the promising work of Early Head Start-Child Care …

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