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Two young kids look at a workbook and draw on it
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High-Quality Early Learning & Care: Understanding the Proven Benefits & Need for Investment

February 3, 2022

Economic development starts with early childhood development—and the best investments ensure all children who need it have access to high-quality early learning and care opportunities. Evidence shows that increased access …


Child Care Aware of America Shares Winter Update on How States are Spending Relief Dollars

February 3, 2022

Child Care Aware of America recently shared a winter update on how states are spending their American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act dollars. The ARP Act allocates a total of $39 …


CCDBG: Program Overview

February 1, 2022

Child care is a necessity for low-income and working parents, yet the cost of quality care often places it out of reach for families. The Child Care & Development Block Grant …


President Leads with Child Care & Pre-K in Meeting with Major CEOs

January 26, 2022

President Biden opened today’s event promoting the Build Back Better Act by hammering home the urgent economic need for the child care and pre-K provisions of the package.  As President …


President Leads with Child Care & Pre-K in Meeting with Major CEOs

January 24, 2022

With many of our nation’s child care providers trying to survive on poverty-level salaries, a new analysis has found that 31.2% of a million child care workers – 1 out of every …


Examining the Significant Return on Investment from High-Quality Early Learning & Care

January 6, 2022

The Senate is currently considering the Build Back Better Act, which includes historic federal investments that would create monumental impacts for young children and their families by expanding high-quality, affordable …


Without Action, America’s Early Learning & Care System Will Collapse

December 19, 2021

“The positive impact of the early learning and care proposal would be felt for generations. So too would the consequences of inaction.” WASHINGTON — The following is a statement from First …


Economic Data Underscores the Need for Significant, Sustained Investment in Child Care and Early Learning

December 17, 2021

As Congress moves closer to consideration of the child care and early learning proposals in President Biden’s Build Back Better plan, it is important to understand the economic impacts of …


FFYF Statement on Build Back Better Status

December 16, 2021

In response to the news that the Senate will recess for the year without voting on the Build Back Better Act, First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Executive Director Sarah Rittling …


Child Care and Pre-K are Strategic Economic Investments: Impact on Public Safety

December 15, 2021

The child care and preschool policies proposed in the Build Back Better Act have long-lasting, multi-generational economic benefits. This blog, which focuses on how investments in child care and preschool …


New Economic Snapshot Cites Lack of Access to Child Care as Major Barrier to Well Being

December 15, 2021

Global management consulting firm McKinsey & Co’s latest American Opportunity Survey has identified lack of access to child care as a major barrier to mental and economic well being for American families.  …

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