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Two young kids look at a workbook and draw on it
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Child Care and Early Learning in the American Rescue Plan

March 10, 2021

In the 117th Congress, the House and Senate are pursuing additional relief through the reconciliation process and have adopted a concurrent resolution on the FY2021 budget. The resolution directs certain …


Comparing Early Learning and Care Provisions in the House, Senate, and Final FY21 Budget Reconciliation Packages

March 10, 2021

Recognizing the essential role of child care — its proven benefits to a child’s learning and healthy development and its support of America’s labor market and economy by allowing parents …


Child Care and Early Learning in the Senate Version of the American Rescue Plan

March 6, 2021

On Saturday morning, the Senate voted to pass the American Rescue Plan, a sweeping pandemic relief package with $39 billion in child care relief funding, including $15 billion for the …


Mothers of Young Children Have Been Pushed Out of the Workforce During Pandemic

March 3, 2021

A recent report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis found that the lives of working moms in particular have been disrupted, as many left the workforce entirely due to, …


Letter Urges Congress to Strengthen Child & Dependent Care Tax Credit

March 2, 2021

Last week, a group of the nation’s leading child care and child advocacy organizations, including the First Five Years Fund, penned a letter to Congressional leaders urging support for the …


During HHS Confirmation Hearings, Becerra Emphasizes Importance of Federal Early Learning and Care Programs

March 1, 2021

Child care and early learning were in the spotlight during Health and Human Services nominee Xavier Becerra’s recent Senate confirmation hearings. During his opening remarks to the Senate Health, Education, …


Bipartisan House Hearing Examines the Pandemic’s Impact on Child Care in America

February 24, 2021

Last week, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies held a hearing to examine the COVID-19 pandemic’s devastating impact on the nation’s child …


ABCs of Federal Early Learning and Care Funding Streams

February 19, 2021

Every year, millions of low-income children from birth through age five benefit from the array of federal early learning and care programs. Each is governed by specific legislative and regulatory …


New Report Offers Recommendations for Dismantling Systemic Racism in Early Care and Education

February 16, 2021

A core element of addressing the systemic racism that exists in this country must be reforming the institutions, laws, and policies that disproportionately disadvantage people of color, and also creating …


Looking Back at Early Learning Legislation Introduced in the 116th Congress

February 11, 2021

According to FFYF’s years of national bipartisan polling, voters of every political persuasion say more should be done to ensure all children – particularly those living in poverty – have …


New Pew Study Highlights Child Care Struggles for Working Parents

February 11, 2021

Working parents have faced a year like no other. The Pew Research Center recently released new data from a survey of working parents that reflects that many working parents have …

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