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Two young kids look at a workbook and draw on it
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House Passes COVID-19 Recovery Package with $57 Billion for Child Care Relief

October 1, 2020

Legislation underscores broad recognition among federal lawmakers that the American economy will not recover without a stable child care system to support working parents WASHINGTON —  The U.S. House passed …


Congress Passes Continuing Resolution, Keeping Government Funded into December

September 30, 2020

Today, the Senate passed a bipartisan continuing resolution (CR) to keep the federal government funded until Friday, December 11, 2020. The House voted last week to approve the measure after …


House Passes Short-Term Government Funding Bill

September 23, 2020

Yesterday, the House passed a bipartisan continuing resolution (CR) after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) struck a deal to keep the government funded at …


Senate Recovery Package Includes $15 Billion in Child Care Relief Funding; Significantly More Will Be Required to Prevent the Industry from Collapse

July 27, 2020

WASHINGTON – Today, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell released the details of Safely Back to School and Back to Work Act, which includes $15 billion in emergency funding for the …


Sens. Ernst and Loeffler Call for $25 Billion in Child Care Relief Funding

May 21, 2020

WASHINGTON – Tonight, U.S. Senators Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) offered a resolution in the Senate calling for the next COVID-19 relief package to include $25 billion in …


Lawmakers Seek to Save Child Care Industry through Dedicated Federal Relief

May 19, 2020

Representative Haley Stevens (D-MI) and dozens of members of the U.S. House of Representatives have written a letter urging Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to provide additional …


Letter to Congress Requesting Dedicated Relief for Child Care in COVID-19 Recovery Package

May 8, 2020

This week, FFYF and a group of the nation’s leading early childhood, business, and community advocacy organizations wrote to Congress urging lawmakers to include dedicated relief for child care in …


Nation’s Leading Child Care Advocacy Organizations Call for More Child Care Relief in Follow-Up to CARES Act

April 8, 2020

WASHINGTON – Today, the First Five Years Fund and a dozen of the nation’s leading child advocacy organizations are calling on Congress to provide additional relief for the thousands of …


FFYF & National Organizations Call for Additional COVID-19 Relief for Child Care Industry

April 8, 2020

April 8, 2020 The Honorable Nancy PelosiU.S. House of RepresentativesWashington, DC 20515 The Honorable Mitch McConnellU.S. SenateWashington, DC 20510 The Honorable Kevin McCarthyU.S. House of RepresentativesWashington, DC 20515 The Honorable …


BREAKING: Congress Includes Crucial Relief for Child Care Industry in COVID-19 Stimulus Package

March 26, 2020

Nearly a third of all child care providers say they would not survive a closure of more than two weeks UPDATE: On March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and …


Urgent Request to Congress for Child Care Sector in COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Package

March 17, 2020

3/19/20 UPDATE: FFYF worked with our partners to assemble important data and information as further evidence for the need for substantial funding from the federal government for the child care …

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