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Two young kids look at a workbook and draw on it
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FY2021 Funding Bill Includes $230 Million Increase for Federal Early Learning and Care Programs

December 21, 2020

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressional leaders released the details of a federal spending bill to fund the government through the remainder of FY2021. The package includes important funding increases for core federal …


Congressional Leaders Unveil Year-End COVID-19 Relief Package with $10 Billion for Child Care

December 20, 2020

WASHINGTON – Moments ago, the Democratic and Republican leaders of the House and Senate released the final details of an end-of-year pandemic relief package, which includes $10 billion in funding …


Xavier Becerra Nominated to be HHS Secretary, Would Oversee Critical Early Learning & Care Programs

December 7, 2020

WASHINGTON – President-elect Joe Biden announced California Attorney General Xavier Becerra as his nominee to be Health and Human Services Secretary. Once confirmed, Becerra will lead the federal agency that …


Senate FY2021 Funding Bill Includes Increases to Federal Early Learning Programs

November 10, 2020

Today, the Senate Appropriations Committee released its FY2021 funding bills, a 12-bill package to fund the federal government beyond December 11, 2020, when government funding under the most recent Continuing …


House Passes COVID-19 Recovery Package with $57 Billion for Child Care Relief

October 1, 2020

Legislation underscores broad recognition among federal lawmakers that the American economy will not recover without a stable child care system to support working parents WASHINGTON —  The U.S. House passed …


Congress Passes Continuing Resolution, Keeping Government Funded into December

September 30, 2020

Today, the Senate passed a bipartisan continuing resolution (CR) to keep the federal government funded until Friday, December 11, 2020. The House voted last week to approve the measure after …


House Passes Short-Term Government Funding Bill

September 23, 2020

Yesterday, the House passed a bipartisan continuing resolution (CR) after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) struck a deal to keep the government funded at …


Office of Head Start Announces Changes to the Designation Renewal System

August 31, 2020

Last week, the Office of Head Start (OHS) announced changes to the Designation Renewal System (DRS), which is used to determine whether Head Start grantees must recompete for funding. (In …


Child Care & Business Leaders Urge McConnell for Child Care Relief in Recovery Package

August 24, 2020

This week, a letter signed by FFYF and a group of leading early childhood and business organizations, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, was sent to Senate Majority Leader Mitch …


Advocates Call on White House to Prioritize Child Care in Negotiations for COVID-19 Recovery Package

August 4, 2020

A group of national child care advocacy organizations and provider groups have written to the White House urging those at the negotiating table to prioritize financial relief for the child …


Biden Campaign Releases Child Care Proposal as COVID-19 Pushes Industry to the Brink of Collapse

July 21, 2020

Early Learning and Care Remains Top Priority in Presidential Race WASHINGTON – Today, former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, unveiled his proposal to invest in …

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