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Two young kids look at a workbook and draw on it
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Study Points to Successes of COVID-19 Health & Safety Protocols in Protecting Child Care Workers

October 16, 2020

A new study of more than 55,000 child care providers throughout the United States conducted by Yale University found that, in the early months of the pandemic, child care providers …


A Brief History and Overview of the Head Start Program

October 16, 2020

For over 50 years, Head Start has served millions of children and families living in poverty through comprehensive early learning, health, nutrition, and family support services.  This October, as we …


Congress May Bail Out the Airlines. But What About Child Care?

October 16, 2020

Airline bailouts have dominated the airwaves over the past few days and weeks, but there’s another critical industry with broad-reaching impact across our entire economy that’s in dire need of …


FFYF’s 2020 Election Briefing Book

October 14, 2020

Early learning has become a major focal point of candidates and elected officials at all levels of government on both sides of the aisle, with voters increasingly looking to policymakers …


October is Head Start Awareness Month!

October 9, 2020

Each October we commemorate Head Start Awareness Month and reflect on the important impact this crucial program has had on children and families for generations. Check out our blog series …


FFYF Commemorates Mental Health Awareness Day

October 9, 2020

Saturday is Mental Health Awareness Day, and FFYF is proud to commemorate this important reminder to prioritize mental health initiatives that promote children’s healthy development from the start.  During the …


Six Jurisdictions Can Now Apply for Renewal Funds for PDG

October 8, 2020

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), in coordination with the Department of Education, released a new funding opportunity announcement (FOA) for the Preschool Development Grants Birth through Five (PDG …


New Report Offers Additional Data on Pandemic’s Impact for Child Care

October 6, 2020

Last week, Child Care Aware of America released a new report, Picking Up the Pieces: Building a Better Child Care System Post-COVID-19. The report outlines the pandemic’s impact on child …


House Passes COVID-19 Recovery Package with $57 Billion for Child Care Relief

October 1, 2020

Legislation underscores broad recognition among federal lawmakers that the American economy will not recover without a stable child care system to support working parents WASHINGTON —  The U.S. House passed …


Understanding the Importance and Connection Between Early Learning & Care Appropriations Funding and Emergency Stabilization Funding

October 1, 2020

Child care is not a luxury for America’s working families — it’s a necessity. Yet too many families struggle to find and afford quality early learning and care opportunities for …


Chamber of Commerce Foundation Highlights the Impact of COVID-19 on Child Care

October 1, 2020

The ongoing challenges of the child care industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic have had a major impact for families in communities all across the country. A new report, Childcare …

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