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Two young kids look at a workbook and draw on it
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Congress Passes Continuing Resolution, Keeping Government Funded into December

September 30, 2020

Today, the Senate passed a bipartisan continuing resolution (CR) to keep the federal government funded until Friday, December 11, 2020. The House voted last week to approve the measure after …


Early Learning and Care in Proposed COVID-19 Response

September 30, 2020

Recognizing the essential role of child care — its proven benefits to a child’s learning and healthy development and its support of America’s labor market and economy by allowing parents …


Does Quality Early Childhood Education Lead to More Successful Lives as Adults?

September 30, 2020

The National Academy of Sciences Says “Yes”! The Science Behind It, a project of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), has added a new page to their collection of questions …


Alliance for Early Success Shares Roadmap to a Stronger Child Care System

September 29, 2020

The Alliance for Early Success recently released the Build Stronger Child Care Policy Roadmap, a comprehensive strategy to rebuild the nation’s child care system developed in collaboration with state and …


New House COVID-19 Recovery Package Includes $57 Billion for Child Care

September 28, 2020

Legislation underscores broad recognition among federal lawmakers that the American economy will not recover without a stable child care system to support working parents WASHINGTON — Tonight, House Speaker Nancy …


House Committee Holds Markup on Apprenticeship Bill that Would Incentivize Early Educator Apprenticeships

September 28, 2020

Last week, the House Education and Labor Committee held a markup on H.R. 8294, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2020, which would provide new funding for apprenticeship programs, including grants …


First Presidential Debate: Will Child Care & Early Learning Get the Spotlight?

September 25, 2020

The first of three presidential debates between Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump will take place on Tuesday, September 29th at in Cleveland, OH. A fourth debate between …


2020 National Poll: Fact Sheet

September 24, 2020

The Coronavirus pandemic has opened voters’ eyes to the importance of child care for families—and the economy. Now voters are ready for sweeping federal action. The results of a new …


2020 National Poll: Full Results Deck

September 24, 2020

The results of FFYF’s new national poll reveal the clear impact the COVID-19 crisis has had on voters’ views of America’s child care system — and the need for a …


2020 National Poll: Social Graphics

September 24, 2020

The results of FFYF’s new national poll reveal the clear impact the COVID-19 crisis has had on voters’ views of America’s child care system — and the need for a …


2020 National Poll: Press Release

September 24, 2020

New National Poll: Voters Now View Child Care as an Essential Service Like Healthcare and Education The Coronavirus pandemic has opened voters’ eyes to the importance of child care for …

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