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Two young kids look at a workbook and draw on it
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ACF Publishes Revised COVID-19 FAQ Resource

August 20, 2020

Last week, the Office of Child Care (OCC) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) published an update to their COVID-19 FAQs resource to address questions related to subsidized …


ChildTrends Highlights Needs for Early Care and Education Systems to Support Children with Disabilities During the Pandemic

August 19, 2020

Across the United States, some 1.2 million young children have a diagnosed disability which qualifies them for early intervention and special education services. In a new brief this week, ChildTrends …


Total Federal TANF and State MOE Expenditures for Child Care and Early Learning in FY2020

August 18, 2020

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program provides federal grants to states to design and operate programs that help low income families achieve self-sufficiency. TANF plays a crucial role …


Lawmakers Urge Increased Funding for IDEA Early Intervention Services

August 11, 2020

Recently, members of Congress from both sides of the aisle sent a letter to House leadership encouraging them to include in any COVID-19 relief or stimulus legislation a robust increase …


Members of Congress Urge Negotiators to Prioritize Child Care in Recovery Package

August 7, 2020

In a new letter lead by Representative Haley Stevens (D-MI), 26 members of the House of Representatives are calling for child care to be prioritized in the final recovery package. …


Child Care Stabilization Leadership Letter

August 7, 2020

House Democrats and Republicans Urge Leadership to Prioritize Child Care Funding in Recovery Package

August 5, 2020

Two new letters – one signed by 41 House Republicans and the other from 72 House Democrats – have been sent to leadership calling for the recovery package to include …


America’s Child Care Crisis Sees Major Uptick in Media Coverage

August 5, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated financial challenges that child care providers have faced for years, pushing the industry to the brink of collapse. Anxious parents and struggling child care providers …


Republicans and Democrats Are Going to Bat for Child Care. Will That Matter in Final Recovery Negotiations?

August 5, 2020

POLITICO is reporting that no progress has been on child care in the COVID-19 recovery negotiations. From today’s PLAYBOOK: — CHILDCARE: Dems are at $50 billion and Republicans are at $15 …


Advocates Call on White House to Prioritize Child Care in Negotiations for COVID-19 Recovery Package

August 4, 2020

A group of national child care advocacy organizations and provider groups have written to the White House urging those at the negotiating table to prioritize financial relief for the child …


To Continue Vital Services, Head Start Advocates Seek Additional Funding

August 4, 2020

Today, the National Head Start Association (NHSA) is leading a day of action calling for the Head Start community to #UniteforHeadStart so that programs have adequate funding to serve children …

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