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Two young kids look at a workbook and draw on it
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Study Shows Head Start Reduces Likelihood of Adult Poverty

January 2, 2019

A new study from the University of Michigan found that Head Start has positive long-term impacts on both higher education attainment and economic self-sufficiency. Researchers used longitudinal data from children …


As ESSA Turns 3, Early Learning Provisions Already Having a Big Impact

December 10, 2018

Today marks the 3rd anniversary of the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) being signed into law. Today marks the 3rd anniversary of the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) …


Half of American Families Live in a Child Care Desert

December 7, 2018

Yesterday, the Center for American Progress released a new report profiling the supply of licensed child care services in every state and the District of Columbia. It is believed that …


Major Increase in Number of States Applying for Preschool Development Grants

December 3, 2018

The Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5) is a new, $250 million, competitive federal grant opportunity authorized under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) – all 56 states …


New Report Details Early Childhood Education Reforms in Louisiana

November 30, 2018

A report from New America profiles Louisiana’s bipartisan efforts to transform early learning in the state. In 2012, Louisiana passed the Early Childhood Education Act, which provided a holistic approach …


New Report Highlights State Implementation of “Essential Elements” for High-Quality Pre-K

November 15, 2018

This week the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) released an analysis of 59 public pre-k programs in 44 states and the District of Columbia. NIEER’s report relied on …


Bipartisan Progress: Early Childhood Education in the 115th Congress

November 6, 2018

Historic Bipartisan Achievements for Children and Families While partisanship loomed large over much of the 115th Congress, one issue brought Democrats and Republicans together in both the House and Senate: …


Federal Funding for Early Childhood Programs: A Decade of Bipartisan Progress

November 6, 2018

Over the past ten years, federal early learning programs have achieved steady, significant progress in increased funding and bipartisan support from Congress and the White House. These gains would not …


After Recent Historic Progress, Early Childhood Education Could Be a Unifying Issue for a Divided Congress

November 6, 2018

Which party holds power historically has had little bearing on the success of early learning and child care policy advancements While voter motivations behind the outcomes of the hyper-partisan midterm …


Bipartisan Progress: Early Childhood Education in the 115th Congress

November 6, 2018

Historic Bipartisan Achievements for Children and Families While partisanship loomed large over much of the 115th Congress, one issue brought Democrats and Republicans together in both the House and Senate: …


New Grant to Support Increasing Access to High-Quality Child Care

November 5, 2018

The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) today announced the receipt of a $1 million, one-year grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to support a unique multi-organizational advocacy and …

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