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U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Resource Makes the Business Case for ECE

Resource September 28, 2018

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s (USCCF) Center for Education and Workforce is out with a new interactive resource for employers and business leaders on the role early childhood education plays in laying a solid foundation for our nation’s youngest learners.

The easy-to-navigate online resource, a part of the Chamber Foundation’s larger early childhood education and care portfolio, brings together data, research, and case studies to help “educate employers and empower them with resources to better support their workforce.” The resource goes in depth to describe the benefits of early childhood education for children and families through select years of early childhood, including the role business can play in each.

Additionally, at the end of each section, USCCF provides employers with checklists on topics ranging from “supporting employees and strengthening your bottom line,” “business leadership for the country and economy,” and “opportunities for business engagement.”

In addition to the proven benefits of early childhood education for children, access to affordable, reliable, and high-quality early learning and child care opportunities provide working families with better job stability and overall economic security. Unfortunately, the need to access this critical support far outpaces current capacity, and many families across the country cannot afford the cost of quality child care. Without access to early learning and care, parents tend to miss work, lowering household incomes and potentially leading to job loss. Supporting families through improved quality preschool and child care will result in a more efficient and productive American workforce in both the short- and long-term. It is in the business community’s best interest to advance this agenda and support working families across the country.

Check out the full online resource here to learn more about the role business can play in supporting early childhood education and care.

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