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Celebrating ‘Children’s Week’ with the National Children’s Campaign

Resource June 18, 2020

This week, the National Children’s Campaign (NCC) has been hosting a national Children’s Week from June 14th through June 19th to raise awareness about the issues impacting children across the country. The week will consist of informative and engaging events featuring “a diverse group of subject matter experts and organizations.” 

As national elections are quickly approaching, The organization wants voters to be thinking about children when they head into the voting booth. Support for high-quality early learning and care remains overwhelmingly bipartisan among voters, candidates and elected officials alike. And Americans are united when it comes to early childhood education and their desire to have the issue remain a bipartisan priority for policymakers at every level of government.

Partners for the event include Access the Polls, the Adoption Advocacy Network, the Children’s Environmental Health Network, Cultivate America, Global Children’s Campaign, The Good Karma Project, March For Science, Moms Clean Air Force, One Up Action, Our Children’s Trust, Polluters Out, The Poor People’s Campaign, Rock the Vote, Schools for Climate Action, Six Seconds, Songs for Good, Tomorrow We Vote, Union for Concerned Scientists, Write the Future/Civics in Action, YEA: Young Entertainment Activists and YWMF: Your Workers, My Family and Zero Hour.

Follow this link to view a complete calendar laying out the week’s activities.

To RSVP, click here

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