FFYF’s 2020 Election Briefing Book

Early learning has become a major focal point of candidates and elected officials at all levels of government on both sides of the aisle, with voters increasingly looking to policymakers for solutions to the child care challenges facing working parents.
FFYF’s election efforts over the next ten months will focus on amplifying the expansive and wide-ranging opportunities for engagement on early learning and child care, which have the potential to withstand the heated presidential contest, build consensus across parties, and ultimately deliver results for America’s children and families.

We will be holding meetings with the top Democratic presidential campaigns, as well as the Trump campaign, to share policy research, polling data, tested messaging guidance and more from the organization’s presidential briefing books.
With these briefing books, campaigns will have access to data-tested messages and ideas for further elevating child care and early learning in your campaign in a way that effectively reaches voters across the political spectrum, as well as the history of success at state and federal levels. Lastly, this document includes a synthesis of useful facts and figures about the issues facing working families, as well as the power of early learning and care on brain development.

Download the full resource below.
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