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Full Results Deck: September 2021 National Poll on Child Care & Preschool Support

Resource October 7, 2021

As Congress considers the Build Back Better Act, voters overwhelmingly support a significant, sustained investment in child care and preschool, which they view as a good investment of taxpayer dollars.

New national polling reveals a strong majority of voters, including suburban women, independents, and other voter groups whose votes are crucial in key elections, are supportive of the child care and preschool investments proposed in the Build Back Better Act. In fact, voters want their federal policymakers to prioritize child care and preschool this year, and support for these investments has inspired broader voter support for the legislation as a whole.

This presentation highlights key findings from a new nationwide voter poll commissioned by the First Five Years Fund and conducted by the bipartisan polling team of Hart Research and New Bridge Strategy from September 14 to 17, 2021.

DownloadFFYF September 2021 National Poll (1.04 MB)
DownloadFFYF September 2021 National Poll (1.04 MB)

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