Video: Empowering Families: The Positive Impact of MIECHV and Voluntary Home Visiting

The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV) provides federal funds to states, territories, and tribal entities for voluntary, evidence-based home visiting services. Home visitors meet with parents one on one from pregnancy through their child’s kindergarten entry to help lay the foundation for the health, education, development, and economic self-sufficiency of the entire family.
Visits by caring, experienced professionals who provide families support and connections to needed resources and services can help families leverage their strengths so they can thrive. The National Home Visiting Coalition, of which FFYF is a member, is asking Congress for a five-year reauthorization that would increase funding by $200 million annually (reaching $1.4 billion in FY2027); doubling the MIECHV tribal set-aside from 3% to 6% to reach more families in American Indian and Alaska Native communities; and continuing to allow virtual home visiting implemented with model fidelity as a service delivery option for families who choose it.
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