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New Report from Wells Fargo: America’s Economy Relies on Child Care

March 4, 2022

Employers are currently struggling to hire workers while workers – particularly women – are struggling to rejoin the workforce. Why? In large part because working mothers are dependent on child …


Jobs Numbers Show Federal Funding Is Essential to Child Care Sector’s Success

March 4, 2022

Over recent months, federal pandemic relief dollars have begun reaching child care providers in a meaningful way, and as a result, child care employment numbers have seen their first significant rebound …


Survey of 5,000 Early Educators Shows Federal Investment is Essential to Future of Child Care

February 25, 2022

A new survey of 5,000 child care providers from across the country reinforces that federal funding is essential to the success of America’s early learning system. The survey results show …


Black History Month: Sharing Antiracist Research and Resources in Early Childhood Development

February 25, 2022

As Black History Month comes to a close, the FFYF is taking the opportunity to share new stories and research from partners and allies on how dismantling racism and uplifting …


The Child Care Crisis: Why the Status Quo is Failing Families, Early Educators, and our Economy

February 18, 2022

Now is the time to support children and families by ensuring affordable, quality early care and education options. Finding and affording quality child care and early learning options shouldn’t be …


Gender “Quit” Gap Widest in States With Most Child Care Breakdowns

February 18, 2022

Nationwide, women are quitting their jobs at a higher rate than men. That gender quit gap is widest in the states with the most child care disruptions, according to a new report from the …


Governors Highlight Child Care As Key To Helping States Recover And Grow

February 14, 2022

For years, Democratic and Republican governors alike have prioritized early learning and care as a smart investment for their states. It’s no surprise, then, that as America faces an ever-worsening child care …


Child Care Prices Rose Significantly in 2020, Continuing Decades-Long Trend of Major Annual Increases

February 9, 2022

The average annual price of child care in America has increased over 220% over the past three decades — considerably faster than other essential family expenses — with significant annual …


Child Care Employment 12.4% Below Pre-Pandemic Levels

February 7, 2022

Despite January’s strong jobs growth, child care employment remains 12.4% below pre-pandemic levels. Unlike other industries, the child care sector was experiencing difficulties with hiring and retaining workers long before …


High-Quality Early Learning & Care: Understanding the Proven Benefits & Need for Investment

February 3, 2022

Economic development starts with early childhood development—and the best investments ensure all children who need it have access to high-quality early learning and care opportunities. Evidence shows that increased access …


Child Care Aware of America Shares Winter Update on How States are Spending Relief Dollars

February 3, 2022

Child Care Aware of America recently shared a winter update on how states are spending their American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act dollars. The ARP Act allocates a total of $39 …


CCDBG: Program Overview

February 1, 2022

Child care is a necessity for low-income and working parents, yet the cost of quality care often places it out of reach for families. The Child Care & Development Block Grant …

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