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First Five Things

Our First Five Things To Know series offers a quick, clear, and compelling take on the most important issues facing child care today. Whether you take them to the Hill, share them with fellow advocates, or simply use them to catch up on the latest data, these highlight the many ways child care affects all of us.

Below you will find insightful data, talking points, and links to useful research that further explain the importance of federal investments in early learning and care.


The First Five Things To Know About: A New Poll Showing Ohio Voter Support For Child Care Funding

July 14, 2023

In July 2023, Public Opinion Strategies completed a poll on behalf of the First Five Years Fund, examining Ohio voters’ attitudes toward the issue of child care and early childhood …


The First Five Things To Know About: A New Poll Showing Nevada Voter Support For Child Care Funding

July 14, 2023

In July 2023, Public Opinion Strategies completed a poll on behalf of the First Five Years Fund, examining Nevada voters’ attitudes toward the issue of child care and early childhood …


The First Five Things To Know About: A New Poll Showing Montana Voter Support For Child Care Funding

July 14, 2023

In July 2023, Public Opinion Strategies completed a poll on behalf of the First Five Years Fund, examining Montana voters’ attitudes toward the issue of child care and early childhood …


The First Five Things To Know About: A New Poll Showing Arizona Voter Support For Child Care Funding

July 14, 2023

In July 2023, Public Opinion Strategies completed a poll on behalf of the First Five Years Fund, examining Arizona voters’ attitudes toward the issue of child care and early childhood …


The First Five Things To Know About: A New Poll Showing Alabama Voter Support For Child Care Funding

July 14, 2023

In July 2023, Public Opinion Strategies completed a poll on behalf of the First Five Years Fund, examining Alabama voters’ attitudes toward the issue of child care and early childhood …

US Capitol building

The First Five Things To Know About: Federal Funding for Early Learning and Child Care

July 10, 2023

Child care is essential to the health and strength of our nation. Today, 26.8 million people in the workforce – or one out of every six – rely on child …


The First Five Things to Know: The Child Care and Development Block Grant

May 10, 2023

Millions of families need child care in order to work, but many simply can’t afford it. This leads to parents having to reduce the number of hours they work or …


The First Five Things to Know: The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit

April 13, 2023

For millions of working parents with small children, child care is a major expense. It is also a necessary expense, as many parents are unable to work without it. The …


The First Five Things to Know: Child Care in the President’s Budget Proposal

March 8, 2023

Each year, shortly after the State of the Union Address, the President submits a budget blueprint to Congress. The proposal underscores the White House’s priorities, listing their desired funding across …


The First Five Things to Know: Impact of the Child Care Crisis on Women & Mothers

March 8, 2023

Over the past several years, the U.S. has altered the landscape of motherhood, piling on even more new pressures and demands. The ongoing child care crisis is keeping women out …

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